The Intro

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|Heyo! I am doing a request! Thanks to gokugunslinger |

Narrator POV

The story takes place in Patch. This story is about an adorable little boy named y/n Rose. He lived in a home with his parents, his father Taiyang Xio Long, his mother Summer Rose, and his big sister Yang Xio Long. Even with what seemed like a small household, it was full of life and energy. Now we come to this day, Yang is on her third year in Signal and y/n is in his first year. Yang seemed to always be there for her brother but he was still in a different class. Now, it's dinner time and the family usually talks about their day. The family has three reasons for this tradition, one; being it's nice family bonding, two; is for seeing what's happening in each other's lives, and three; is to monitor y/n's innocence. Everyone wanted to preserve the child like wonder forever. So, the family sat down and were talking about their days and what not, when y/n spoke up about a nickname he received.

Y/n- I have a question!

Tai- Ask away Y/n!

Y/n- What does uWu Jesus mean? Because someone called me it today.

The adults sat confused while Yang put her head in her hands, shaking it.

Yang- It's a newer term for you being super adorable, so it's a compliment in a sense.

The parents had let out sighs of relief for fearing that it was something earful and it would effect the young y/n. It was always like this, for years, they would maintain a happy household. The Rose/Xio Long family is all happy and well. Y/n Rose was nothing short of a mythical wonder for nothing as innocent as he lived for that long. With him being so cute and all, the girls were all over him at school and Yang had to protect young y/n from them. This family of hunters were raising a new hope for the world of Remnant, a team would be born that held the torch. The team to replace team STRQ as the strongest team to exist. TEAM RWBY!

|I know this intro is short but it's a start to a new story! I was asked to make this and it is being done! Hope you all enjoy!|

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