New Stuffs.

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| Aloha peeps!!! So, taking all the answers on the poll. The winner is Munchee!!!!|


Y/n- Uhhhh. I choose number 2!

???- Hmmm.... the fluffy one has been chosen. Have fun with your creature.

Y/n-'???'s fingers lit up for a second before I felt what seemed like a pinch on my skin. I did not feel any different but something was off"
Seeing the confusion on your face. ??? went to help clear that wave of confusion with a little booklet. You saw ??? pull a book out of his pocket and walked over. Before you could ask about the book ??? interrupted you.

???- Okay. So, this book has everything you need to know about your new companion Munchee!!

??? Hands the book to you and you immediately open it up to read about the dog.

'First things first. This is no normal dog. This dog was owned by a powerful pirate before being handed down. A spell was placed on the dog that allowed the dog to become a threat. In order to summon the dog, one needs to wish upon her. Basically just think really hard about Munchee and she will show up. Next is that her size can be adjusted, all you need to do is wish for her size to be the desired height. Next is rather simple, she follows commands such as Sit, Stay, Rollover, and basic dog commands but she does know other commands as well. She can attack those that harm you or you wish harm upon. She can be used for transport if wished. Now Munchee doesn't need food but she does love treats such as Steak, Bones, Dog toys, and People. Have fun and remember, Munchee thinks on her own sometimes She is a dog after all.'
Y/n-'So, I got a really cool dog. Today is good.'
You being done reading, close the book and look back at ???. He sends you a confused look before realization took over.

???- Oh! I forgot you need to be sent back. Well, hope you had fun here and remember. Incest is Wincest!

??? brought up his hands and snapped. When he snapped you got surrounded by light and when you came too. You were laying in bed next to your Aunts. Getting up and grabbing your clothes for the day. You quickly get dressed and head downstairs. Checking the time and seeing that it was seven in the morning. Noticing that no one was awake you walk outside to test if you actually got that gift or not. Stepping out the door you get hit with a morning breeze. Basking in the cool air you had a sense of relaxation, while the calm was here you decided now was better than ever. Walking off the porch and getting a little distance from the house you sat down on the grass. Sitting down you immediately thought of a normal sized husky. Sitting there and concentrating on a dog, you hear a weight hit the grass in front of you. Opening your eyes you finally see her, Munchee. A warrior dog who has slayed countless enemies but her looks right now suggest otherwise. Getting a clearer look at her you see her beautiful brown fur with her white under belly. Standing up and getting Munchee's attention you call her over. Munchee happily trots over and waits for your next command. Reaching over to pet her, she leans her head into your head. Getting a feel of her you realize she is the softest thing you have ever touched. Petting behind her ears she leaned into your hand and let out a little howl. Squealing with excitement you pick her up and hug her yelling about friendship and whatnot. What you did not realize was that you awoke a household of people who care deeply for you. And then hearing your screams all scrambled out of bed and ran outside to see you dancing with a husky. A dog much bigger than Zwei. They all had looks of astonishment, they thought you were dying but instead you found a new friend. The group all sat on the porch and watched you play with the dog while you were none the wiser. Finally you look over at the house and see about half the family with their scrolls out recording while the other half seemed to just watch. You stop playing Munchee and start to walk over while snapping at Munchee and she followed you along. Walking over to the family you stop at the stairs on the porch and nod to yourself. Giving yourself that little confidence boost.

Y/n- Hi guys! Lookatwhatifounditsadognamedmuncheeandsheisminenowsheisalsosuperfluffyandwilldowhateverisaybecausesheismagical.

Tai snorted a laugh before looking at Summer for some translation. She was confused until everyone else looked at her and gestures toward her and her son. She put the dots together and using her y/n translator. Aka Speed. She told them what he said.

Tai- So, let me get this straight. Y/n he found a magical dog who will follow whatever he says and it's name is Munchee? I'll allow it.

Everyone murmured some form of agreement because they looked over at y/n saw him giving the dog kisses on the head. Munchee seeming to enjoy the moment. When y/n was done a voice was heard. The voice seemed mature and that of a warrior. Almost like a thirty year old women who was a Spartan was talking.

???- I thank you for taking care of me and I will protect your family and you forever.

Looking around no one seemed to find the voice until a growl was heard. Everyone looks back at Munchee to see her nodding her head.

Quill- You talk? Cool.

After everyone got to introduce themselves to Munchee. They headed inside until someone remembered a certain creature, Zwei. They all look around for a moment until a bump is heard and Zwei jumped from the couch onto Munchee.

Munchee- Hello little dog. It is nice to see you too.

Zwei- Bark! Bark! Bark! Bark!

Munchee- I see. I wish to protect the family as well. There is no need for the worry small one. Calm down.

Letting out a sigh of relief, Y/n picked up Zwei and dropped him onto the ground. Y/n had decided to go sit on the couch where he was joined by the two animals. A few snaps were heard when both animals cuddled up to Y/n. Turning in the TV, Y/n saw the time and it was eight in the morning.
'Danced around too much huh?'
Y/n continued watching some of his favorite shows for morning time while his mother prepared breakfast in the other room. All was happy and well for the family. But none were happier than Y/n and Munchee, both of which forming a bond.

|Hi!!!! I hope you guys enjoy having a fluffy sidekick that can actually kick some butt! Also! Here is a reference image for Munchee in case you all wanted one! Enjoy the cute dog photo!

|Hi!!!! I hope you guys enjoy having a fluffy sidekick that can actually kick some butt! Also! Here is a reference image for Munchee in case you all wanted one! Enjoy the cute dog photo!

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Majestic ain't she? Anyway! This is your new dog friend! Treat her with respect or she will eat you!!|

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