Beacon Bitches.

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|Wow I have the worst posting times. You guys should be used to it by now|

General POV

Chatter is heard in the bullhead. Well, it's more like squealing with background sounds. A pair of teens is seen, one seems to be full of life and pride. Meanwhile, the other is having the life drained from them.

Yang: Oh! I'm so excited to have my adorable younger brother with me!! You are going to be the bees knees!

Y/n: *Gurgled sounds*

Yang:huh? Oh no!

Yang promptly lets go of y/n and he immediately takes a deep breath of life and seems to be filled with life now as well.

Y/n: Phew! Thought I was a goner there for a moment! Anyway, Yang, it is not that big of a deal that I got in. So, what if I'm two years younger. It's nothing special.

Yang: What do you mean?! You are so special it's unbelievable! You stop a criminal who is well know, you get accepted into Beacon two years early, and you get a magic dog who is so flipping cool!

Y/n: well... when you say it like that... yeah I guess I'm a little special, but I don't want to be! I just want people to know me as the kid with normal knees.

Yang was about to speak up when the panel next to them lit about and started talking Torchwick being thwarted along with protests and eventually it turns to this blonde woman.

Yang: Who is that chick?

Tv: My name is Glynda Goodwitch.... Blah Blah Blah(I forgot what she says here)

Yang: oh, wait Y/n! Look at this view!

Peering out of the window, you see a view of the city of Vale. Y/n gains a sparkle in his eye that many noticed and gave a small "awe" and fangirled for a moment. Y/n turns when he hears someone gagging and panics when it gets closer and a blonde woman storms by holding her mouth some sort of bile spewing out. Y/n staggers backward for a moment before pointing to Yang's shoe.

Y/n: There is puke on your shoe!!!

Yang: Ah!! Gross! gross! gross! Get it off!!!!

Y/n: Get away from me!!!!!


After some panic and finding something to clean the shoe. The ship finally lands and the moment the door opens a blonde is seen bursting out to a trash can to empty whatever is left in her system.

Yang: Well, some people have a bad first day. Anywho! Have fun little bro! Imma go hang with my friends!

Of course Y/n missed this due to him nearly having a spasm about all the weapons around him. Y/n is brought out of his fantasy land by Yang's friends spinning him around and stumbling til he felt the soft embrace of metal hit him in the head. He got up shook his head and saw a bunch of suitcases around the area and a girl who had more than enough white on her storm over.

Munchee: Good luck with this one. She smells of money and daddy issues.

Before y/n could process what was said, ??? Was already in his face yelling.

???: Do you know what you almost did!? You almost got us blown off this cliff you dolt!

While she was yelling at y/n she was shaking a dust tube that leaked a small amount of dust which got into y/n's nose and he unleashed a heavy sneeze and blew up the area.

???: See! This is exactly what I meant!

Y/n getting tired of her yelling and having a growling in his head telling him to go crazy on her.

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