Getting There!

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| Holy hell! I stopped updating this story forever ago because it wasn't doing good and it has almost 1k reads and it's two chapters!|

General POV

Beaming around the house in joy was a young Y/n with of most the adults looking at him. They were smiling at the sheer innocence of the child. Once the child calmed down some the adults started talking.

Tai- So, Oz, my son is going to Beacon early?

Olivia- Precisely.

Everyone was excited to say the least but none were more excited than Y/n. He was dancing around with Zwei and singing a little song "I'm gonna go to Beacon!~ I'm gonna go to beacon!~" Zwei seemed happy and Y/n had the biggest smile ever. It spread to all the adults and when it was time for Olivia to leave, she bid everyone a farewell but before she could leave she was hugged by a certain someone.


Wow. Olivia started blushing a bit before petting the young child and giving a thank you. She then walked out the door leaving the happy family alone and returned to Beacon with a contempt smile on her face. Cutting back to the family they were celebrating and y/n got one of the greatest things ever. Can you guess it? I mean it may be kinda hard to guess so I understand if you don't get it. What? You guessed cookies, damn you guys are better than I thought. Anyway, y/n happily munching on his cookies with his family feeding him praises about getting to Beacon at such a young age too. Tai was definitely proud of his son, he knew his son would be the ultimate kickass, fighting, womanizing, cookie munching badass around. Summer was just blown away at how her baby is growing up so fast. She was at a loss for words. Y/n was playing with Zwei still when the door opened up to reveal two people. Y/n's Aunts had showed up to give him praise. The most exciting was Aunt Quill because she always had something for y/n in store.

Y/n- Aunt Quill!!!! Did ya get me something!? Come on spill the beans!

Quill- hehe, hold on there kiddo.

Quill was reaching into her bag to grab what looked like another bag. When she pulled out the bag y/n went nuts. She got him some new songs for his little Walkman (is it a Walkman? I have no idea) y/n bounced around thanking Quill and looked through the selection to see what she grabbed him. Quill knew y/n liked all music but she grabbed him only the best and most kickass music she could find.

Y/n- Woah! Aunt Quill how did you get this stuff? There is a signed copy of Rynx's new album! How did you get this!?

Quill- Well kiddo, lets just say I know some people and I can get anything for my favorite nephew.

Y/n-(quietly) I'm her only nephew though.

Y/n quickly put the music in and began jamming out while the family talked.

Tai- So Yang, you have a very important job. Preserve Y/n's innocence as long as possible. The world needs more people like him. I mean look at the kid, he is just radiating happiness.

The group looked over at y/n and saw him dancing a bit. They were a little impressed because they had no idea he could dance but coming back to the talk.

Yang- So, my job is just making sure he stays the way he is? Shouldn't be that hard to do.

Quill- Careful now Yang, there are plenty of people who I'm sure would love to keep as a slave or something.

Yang agreed and so the adults came up with some plans in the event that something were to happen. Aka Y/n getting a girlfriend. If he did, the family need to put her through the test. They decided that they planned enough and everyone was quite sleepy including the most lovable Y/n. Who was actually sleeping on the couch.

Quill- Dibs.

Raven- Dibs? What do you mean dibs?

Quill- I mean I call dibs on cuddling with my nephew. That is what I mean.

Raven- Nope. I believe I should.

The two siblings went to bicker more until they came to the conclusion to just both cuddle with him. Quill carried Y/n to his room and dropped him on his bed. Once getting him under the covers Quill just crawled in and fell asleep while Raven changed into pajamas and gave Y/n a quick kiss on the forehead. She then got under the covers and cuddled up to her nephew as well as falling asleep.

Y/n Dream World

'Woah, what is this place. Looks like some studio or something.' Y/n walked around. Until he came upon a strange sight. There in a chair sat a certain author eating away at what is know as heaven. Muffins for those who are simple minded.

Y/n- Who are you?

When y/n spoke he gave the author quite the scare and they fell out of the chair. Getting back up and walking over to y/n, they could be heard muttering random stuff over and over, like something about muffins or a dog named something goofy.

???- Who let you in here? I don't remember letting anyone in here unless they have the secret password.

Y/n- What? I just went to bed and came here. Am I still dreaming?

???- of course that happens. Anyway, yes you are still dreaming. As for how you are here I have now clue. Now what do you need child?

Y/n- Child? You are kinda taller than me. Maybe you are the size of Aunt Quill, maybe taller.

???- Eh? No matter, you know what, I think I'll give you a gift. But it's gonna be a choice. I'll present you with five gifts and you can pick one. How does that sound?

Y/n- Sounds like fun! What are the choices?!

???- Eager aren't we? Well. These are the five gifts you get to chose from.

1- The gift of Strength cause you kinda weak. You will get a good amount of strength, I don't mean some One Punch Man level but it's a good amount like probably more than Yang.
2- The gift of Wolf. Basically you can call upon a wolf that I will make for you. It's as big as a Beowolf and I have already named it. It will be a name that strikes fear into all opponents and will bring them to their knees. Her name is..... Munchee! (??? Can be seen flailing their arms trying to summon lightning to make the name cool. Clearly didn't work. Damn)
3- The gift of fourth-wall breaking. You can break the fourth wall with this one if it wasn't obvious.
4- The gift of healing. You can heal from serious injuries.
5-The Gift of friendship. You get a personal assistant in your head to help you out and be your buddy for when you are lonely.

Y/n- That's a lot to chose from.

???- I know, why don't you take your time and maybe get some help from others.

|And this chapter is done and comes with a vote! Pick one of five gifts! Also! Check out the other stories! They should be getting updates soon! If not then I am the big dumb!|

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