Gotta fight for your right!

648 17 5

|i have the small Brain. My brain is a cursed land to be in|

General POV

Waking up is a rather lame thing to do, but when you have a kickass dog in your head and some sweet scythe weapon thing? You can do whatever you want. So, y/n woke up and promptly fell back asleep for a moment. Before he felt someone kick him. Y/n looks up to see Yang had kicked his side a bit.

Yang- You aren't falling back asleep. You do that enough, besides it's initiation day. Hope you're ready to break out that shell!

Y/n had awoken with some panic and then slowly changed to fear. He had remembered the dreaded task of meeting new people and being stuck on a team with people. Y/n prayed he is on a team with Yang, what he didn't know was Yang had the same thoughts but for different reasons. Gotta protect that innocence and all. Getting up and stretching, y/n finds his bag and gets dressed in the bathroom. After changing he busts through the door with a new sense of confidence. His amazing ass cape flowing behind him, his boots shining, his combat pants looking fresh as hell, and most of all his smile. He had a face that said "I'm ready to kick ass and make friends" or something, idk I'm a disembodied voice, I'm paid very little, gimme cash author! (Nah, you getting nothing you meaty ballsac. Make me better content for once and we can talk about pay) Damn, what an ass right? Anyway, we see y/n prepared for his day. Next y/n walks around looking at weapons and outside of windows until he bumps into his sister.

Yang- Watch where the he!- oh, it's just you, thought I was going to teach some fool a lesson. Anyway, what's up with you? I see you feel different.

Y/n- Yeah! Time to let my baby talk for me! Also, maybe Munchee if she is awake.

Munchee- I will be awake for your initiation child. I'm merely resting as always, I'm also chatting with the man you met in your dream. He says hello.

Y/n- huh, how kind of him, tell him I said hello back! Anyway, I know we will be on teams and everything will be good in the hood.

Yang- Honestly, I'm okay with that. Being on the same team doesn't sound that bad. Also do you really plan on letting that dog do anything?

Y/n- How dare you! Munchee is a wonderful Dog who don't need nobody dissing her name, ya feel?

Yang- You sound absolutely Rid-

???- -iculous! I can't believe I was at the wrong locker!

Panning over we see Jane stare at her scroll and walking around annoyed. Over near the lockers we see Pyrrha and Weiss talking with Weiss scheming up some plan. We then see Jane walk over and introduce herself.

Jane- Hello! I couldn't help but notice that you plan on making a team, and I was wondering if you guys would like to team up with me.

Y/n General

Y/n- So, what were you talking about earlier when you said "I'm talking to the person who I met in my dreams"?

Munchee- Ah, well, I can still contact who you met as he is my original owner. What he does is he sends out gifts to those he deems worthy of receiving. I've helped out plenty of lives before which will be very interesting soon, as I was a gift to a certain headmaster.


Munchee- Indeed child, a rather strange one they are. Many mysteries and tales all alike surround that being.

Y/n- Wow, I got a pretty neat gift.

Walking by with Yang, Jane gets sent flying into the wall next to them with her letting out a loud yelp with a distant 'sorry' in the background being let out. Jane rubs her head and pulls the spear out letting some mutters fly.

Jane- I don't know what my dad told me wrong? I needed confidence to make friends right?

Yang- Maybe just bring yourself for a change? That's what usually works out.

Groaning Jane gets up and follows with the siblings who continue walking down the hall until they hear Ms Goodwitch come on over the intercom announcing that first years are to meet at the cliff edge. Walking out the side doors and seeing a cliff side put some students in serious cases of anxiety as it is just a huge drop off with metal squares around the edge. Some put two and two together while others were stuck on two. Filling up the pad spaces everyone sat still waiting while Olivia.

Olivia- For years you've all trained for this moment and today you have the chance to showcase your skills and techniques that have been developed. But at this school is where you will refine those skills and update them. Now, when I launch you children into the forest. You must come up with your own landing strategy.

Jane was seen almost jumping around with her hand up while Nora had yelled something at Ren. Olivia eyes everyone and glides over all the students almost missing Jane on purpose before continuing.

Olivia- When you touch down, the first person you come into eye contact with will be your partner for the next four years.

Nora- YES! I told you!

Olivia- With that in mind, there is a temple where you shall journey to and pick up a piece that you must bring back to me. This forest is full of Grimm, if you do not fight. You will die.

"Uhh heads up, I straight up forgot what Ozpin says hear and I just didn't feel like looking it up, so here is my bootleg whatever the hell. Deal with it"

Jane- So, you going to give us a parachute or something?

Olivia- No Ms Arc, you will be falling.

The moment one could see that Jane recognized what was said she was launched alongside her fellow students. Y/n flying through the air looking for a nice tree to land on, struck a bird and cried out


Shooting backwards with the sniper mode on the scythe to get to the tree quicker, Y/n activated the blade mode and uses the scythe like a cane and stops himself on the tree limbs that he flew through. Landing on a clearing, Y/n jumps up and immediately dead sprints to the temple with a flurry of thoughts in his mind.

Y/n- Gotto find Yang, gotta find Yang. She is the better choice. And what's her name? Jane? She seemed nice or what about Blake. Choices.
Stumbling into a clearing Y/n spots Weiss

Weiss- STAY OUT OF MY WAY! You'll only slow me down.

Weiss proceeds to send a wave of ice from her rapier to a small group of beowolves only for Y/n to use his semblance and fly ahead and slice them in half with his scythe.

Y/n- See Weiss! I won't slow you down, if anything you'll need to catch up!

Shaking her head Weiss follows him into the forest resisting the urge to both berate and coddle him.

|Yeah, I thought I died too but I didn't, also you'll get to see the rest of your initiation with the dog coming in. Also my Broly story will be getting an update too|

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2023 ⏰

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