Soooo on my birthday I was abt to get a drink of water but I accidentally grabbed my hand sanitizer, my friends were laughing and I was like "Hey, dare me to try a bit" and my friends were like "Yeah! Just a drop tho..." so I did and it tasted HELLA good... so then my friend 4 (she doesn't have Wattpad so imma call her 4 cuz she's the same person from that one rant from a long time ago) was like "really?" And I was like yeah!!! And she tried it and she's like "omggg it's so good!" And my other friend Michelle_138 also tried it and was like "it's not bad" and wishibun was there like :o *insert that one pikachu meme* and she said "wHaT?1!?" And I was like "yEaH!" And then from that moment on, me and 4 got ourselves "addicted" to eating hand sanitizer which ends up getting us hella hyper :D
Ok here's part 2
So it all started on Monday, in English, when 4 was staring at a certain... person... she got hella hyper, and my stupid ass thought it would be a great idea to give her hand sanitizer, which she gladly took, which made her even more hyper! vminkook2112345 was just being tortured at this point cuz 4 wouldn't stop bugging her 😂 she would get "high" whenever we said the word high so she ended up saying it a lot, and then after class she wouldn't stop clinging onto vminkook2112345 (imma just call her B again) and she's here like -_-
And then the next day the same thing happened, except we were both high and I just kept giggling/laughing at everything while she tortured B, but B was also hella hyper bc she was tryin to guess smth but we wouldn't tell her wut it was, so she ended up being hyper too lol
And then the next day she got hyper again but nothing really happened cuz it was a short day
And then yesterday we both got hyper and I had to act as a human shield for B because 4 couldn't stop hugging her and I almost fell a LOT
And finally today, we were high again and B tried to take our hand sanitizer (and she actually took wishibun's) and then she started chasing us and she held both of my wrists with her one hand (idk how TF that's possible) and she had 4's backpack hooked onto her arm, and she held us for 10 MINUTES STRAIGHT before letting us go so we could go to classSO THAT WAS MY WEEK AND MY EXPERIENCE OF EATING HAND SANITIZER :D