Chapter 1

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"Doctor!" I whined as I walked around the TARDIS console. He looked up from his work, the silver scales by his dark eyes shining in the gloom.

"Yes Rose?" He had the most wonderful voice. Even though I knew he wasn't normal, he was still my Doctor. I'd seen him regenerate, one dark, graceful body into another.

"I thought we were going back to Pyrrhia," I stated. He nodded, then went back to his work. The TARDIS stopped, and I ran out through the doors, my golden wings opening to feel the sun. The Doctor walked out behind me, his black wings opening like mine. He was happy to be back in the sun, I knew. We had landed just in front of the entrance to the Jade Mountain Academy, knowing that it felt like home to me.

There had been many crossbreeds since the war, and I should know, I am one, but my friend Stork ran towards me out of the gloom of the caves. I grasped him in my arms as he came and knocked me over, tails and limbs everywhere. I see the Doctor giving me a questioning look as I roll around.

"I heard the engines, and I came running to meet you. By the way, your mum will be wanting to know you're back," he laughed as I pushed him off. I walked over to the Doctor, knowing that my mum wouldn't be surprised when I told her about my connection with the older dragon. I sigh and spread my wings, now speckled with green and pink. I take off, the Doctor and Stork following.

We talked on the way to the Sand Kingdom, about the adventures the Doctor and I have had, and Stork talked about about how his parents were now living along the Diamond Spray River.

We landed a while later, my scales now back to their golden shine. I've always believed that this was why the Doctor liked me. Because I was different. He was also a lot different to the other Nightwings, as he had webbed claws, the spines running down his back were joined with fin, and he had a Sandwing barb on the end of his tail. He was perfect in my eyes, but I'm not sure if anyone else would see him that way. Stork walked in front of my face, snapping me out of my thoughts. I start walking to where the Scorpion Den used to be. It had grown over the past few years, more and more dragons wanting to live here. Of course, Queen Thorn was happy to oblige, making her subjects rise in number. I wandered through the crowded Main Street, looking for where my mother lived.

Ostrich was happy to see us when we finally found her. She invited us inside, into the welcoming walls of my home. She paused before closing the door and following Stork into the living room. Stork fell to the floor, his streamlined, blue body and giant wings taking up a corner. I sit down with the Doctor's wing under mine, and I tell mum all about our adventures to other planets.

"The planet Midnight is beautiful," I tell mum, knowing after saying that, she'll be interested. I talk about the diamonds for a bit, then I bring myself to tell her about my relationship.

I get her to sit facing me and the Doctor, his features outlined in the sun. Then we start to talk. At one point, Stork walked out of the room, but I continued anyway. Then I get to the most difficult bit to tell her.

"Mum, I know this is probably already a lot to take in, but," I pause, "I'm expecting eggs." Mum gasped, and surprisingly, so did the Doctor. I hadn't told him about this yet, because I'd thought that it might not be the right time. This was the most awkward moment of my life. A Sandwing-Rainwing hybrid mating with, who knows what else other than Nightwing, is a lot to take in for both of them. I walk outside, open my wings and fly high into the sky.

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