10) Aidan Gallagher x younger Allison (reader)

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For this oneshot, I had the idea of you reading through the younger Allison's point of view. This way it's still an x reader but I'll refer to her as "y/n" or Allison either way.
Hope you like it :)

"Nice Guys, looking good..."


"Alright guys, can you pose a little closer... That's it!", the photographer encouraged as we posed in our mini photoshoot at the Umbrella academy film set.

Aidan grinned down at me as he draped an arm over my shoulder casually, I shuffled closer and blew a kiss to the camera as Aidan smirked towards the camera.

"Good guys, how about a silly pose?"
Aidan removed his arm and looked to me for an idea. I smirked as I swung a leg over his turning to face the side and bringing my arms up to form a gun. He laughed, his eyes shining with joy as he mirrored my movements. We took a few looking serious before we couldn't hold our smiles back as we posed looking at eachother pulling faces and grinning.
My favourite one would've been when he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into his chest, wrapping his arms around my shoulders and squeezing me. I couldn't help myself as I giggled, blushing at the movement.

I heard the clicking of the camera and blushed more, realising they'd caught that one film

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I heard the clicking of the camera and blushed more, realising they'd caught that one film.

"Alright guys, that's enough for today. Go relax, grab something to eat we'll need you back out here in 2 hours." The director called waving us all off and we walked off set.

Through the crowds of people, I'd managed to lose Aidan somewhere but didn't stress it knowing his dressing room was only round the corner from mine.

Arriving at my dressing room, unlocked the door and walked in. As soon as I stepped in, my assistant Lucy walked over and began taking my make up off.

"Hey y/n, how was the shoot?"

I laughed as she creamed my face quickly before throwing my hair into a quick but neat ponytail. She was told that my skin care and all the rest was important so as soon as I was off set my make up had to be removed immediately to ensure I didn't get any clean blockages. Of course I could do it all myself, but I always forgot and Lucy was a lot better at remembering.

"Pretty good, I think we got some good shots in there." I replied, taking the clothes that Lucy had handed to me. She walked towards the door, " You know where I'll be". She said opening the door and waving bye.

"Thankyou Luce." I called as she closed the door behind her. I changed into the outfit she had given me before plopping down on the large sofa and switching on the tv, planning to binge watch (favourite series -apart from umbrella academy lol) before I was due back on stage.

 I changed into the outfit she had given me before plopping down on the large sofa and switching on the tv, planning to binge watch (favourite series -apart from umbrella academy lol) before I was due back on stage

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(Of course you can image whatever, this is just what I chose for a casual outfit)

Just as I was dozing off, I could faintly hear the sound of a guitar being strummed. I sat up and stretched, I sorted out my outfit before trotting out my room sleepily. I followed the sound of the guitar, hearing a humming tune going along with the sound. I smiled at the peaceful melody, reaching the door where the sound was coming from.

I looked around to see if anyone was around before glancing up at the name on the door.

- Aidan Gallagher -
I grinned as I pressed my ear to the door, surprised when I heard the sound of his lost voice start singing.

In my mind flowers surround her name
The ghost of her is what I chase
And as soon as I get close she's far away
But it seems she's been here today

I couldn't stop the grin that spread across my face as I pressed myself closer to the door, closing my eyes as I hummed along to his song. His voice was so soothing and angelic, yet husky and deep all at the same time. I felt hypnotised.

Blue neon skies
Light up her eyes
In a dreams I memorise
All the details of her face that ni- -

Without realising, my arm had been resting on the door handle, so when I leant down it had pushed the door open. I yelped as I tumbled into the room, landing on my front on the floor. I looked up with a sheepish grin and Aidan sat on the couch on the other side of the room, his guitar in his lap and an amused look painted on his face.

I couldn't help the laugh that came out as he put his guitar down and raced over the help me up, I accepted his out stretched hand, standing up to face him.

"Well that's one way of making an entrance hmm?", he grinned teasing me lightly. I pushed his shoulder as he lead me over to his sofa, not even realising he still had my hand in his.

"Seriously though, are you hurt or anything?", he asked genuinely as he swung his guitar strap over his shoulder before looking up and smiling sweetly.

"I-I um yeah, I'm fine really.", I blushed, feeling slightly embarrassed with what just happened. How am I always clumsy in times like these?

I was kind of lost in thought before I snapped back to reality, glancing up at Aidan to see him looking at me sweetly, a small smile on his face, growing bigger when I looked back at him.

"What is it?"

"Nothing, this song just reminds me of you.", he spoke quietly, looking at me thoughtfully before turning back to his guitar, strumming the chords to the previous song.
" I'd love to hear it.", I leaned back on the sofa, turning so I was facing him. I mean, I had already heard a last of it but he doesn't need to know that...

Instead of replying he began playing from where he'd left off.

In our dream we flow hand in hand
If you could see, you'd understand
All the stars are scattered like sand
Across our little wonderland

I couldn't help myself as my eyes closed as I gently swayed to the melody. I felt hypnotised at the sound of his voice, feeling myself shuffle closer.

Blue neon skies
Light up your eyes

I glanced up at Aidan noticing the change in lyrics, he was already looking at me. I smiled noticing the grin on his lips as he continued.

In a dreams I memorise

All the details of your face tonight

Aidan stopped playing as he gazed into my eyes. He was singing about me? He leaned closer as he reached out and gently caressed my cheek with his palm resting on my jaw. Unintentionally, I leaned into his touch, smiling at the comfort this action brought.
As I opened my eyes, I noticed we had moved a lot closer than where we were before the song had begun.
"All the details of your face.", he whispered as his thumb glided over my freckled cheeks, brushing along my jaw before reaching my lips. My breathing hitched as his thumb ever so lightly, glided over my bottom lip.
I re-opened my eyes and gazed at him, feeling light headed from his touch and how close he was to me.

His green eyes gazed into mine as he slowly leaned in. Our noses brushed lightly as he looked at me through his eyelashes (😍🤤), a small smile playing on his lips.

" y/n.", he whispered.
That was it, as soon as my name came out of his lips I couldn't control myself anymore.
I pressed my lips against his hesitantly, moving to pull away but his hand that was cupping my face moved to the back of my head/neck pulling me in closer.

This was a dream, his lips on mine, his hands caressing me, him serenading me.

As soon as I get too close I realise
She's a dream of mine tonight

Fluffyyyy :3

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