21) Diego x Reader

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Requested by @Rageagainstthephoenix on Quotev

Hope you like it : )


"Your tactics are weak Number 8!", roared Reginald from across the training room, shaking his head whilst scribbling something into his journal.

y/n grunted, circling her wrist, summoning a large ball of flames before launching it at the wooden target. It smashed into the centre, slowly burning the edges of the target but not penetrating all the way through.

"You are useless!", scolded Reginald.

y/n turned to face the elderly man, sending him a deathly glare.

"You know what I think, you can----".

"Hey, hey y/n, take it easy.", interrupted Diego, jogging to reach y/n. He placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, offering a smile as h continued.

"Ignore him okay? You know you're better than his cruel words.".

y/n smiled, pulling Diego into a hug ignoring the yells from Reginald.

"Thanks Diego."

He pulled away from the embrace with a grin before grabbing her arm and pulling her back with him. He reached for one of his knives, twizzling it in the air. Y/N watched him with a raised eyebrow.

He pulled his arm back, before flinging it forwards towards the target, hitting it dead in the centre, the knife flying all the way through into the wall behind.

"Well done, Number 2", called Reginald, casting a snide glance to y/n.

y/n growled, glaring at Diego as she shoved his shoulder harshly.

"Seriously Diego?! Everyone knows you can do it, why would you do that knowing I cant!"

Diego chuckled lightly, moving over the next target whilst retrieving another knife.

"Come here, I have an idea.", he beckoned for her to follow. y/n walked over, muttering something about his ideas always ending bad earning a raised eyebrow from Diego.

He raised his arm again, aiming for the target.

"Look, if you're just gonna throw it..", she trailed off as he raised a finger to her lips, silencing her.

"As I realise the knife, you're gonna set it alight before it reaches the target okay?"

Y/N sighed but nodded, watching as he raised his arms again and aimed. Just as the knife was realised, she flicked her fingers towards it, the blade of the knife was engulfed in flames as t soared towards the target. Diego shielded y/n as the knife ripped through the target, it ripped apart, parts of burning wood flew off, covering the whole training room.

 Diego shielded y/n as the knife ripped through the target, it ripped apart, parts of burning wood flew off, covering the whole training room

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