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   [Allison's perspective until said]

  WE ALL QUICKLY went back to camp and saw that the wall was finally built. Finn and Wells carried Jasper while Clarke and I were empty handed. I knew that Bellamy was going to bring the panther back for food for the rest.

  "Is he?" Monty asks the girls. "He's alive. I need boiled water and strips of cloth for bandage." Clarke tells the boy and goes into the drop-ship as I walked to my tent, stomach rumbling along with the sky.

   My appetite was low but I was starving. I just can't eat something that almost attacked me, plus seeing Jasper hang onto that tree lifelessly was not a pleasant sight. He looked so pitiful and helpless. It was not everyday you look outside and see someone hanging, not even on the Ark. Murmurs continued throughout the camp as I curl into a ball on the ground, removing my jacket that was around me and placed it on top of me for warmth.

  "Who's hungry?!" Bellamy's loud voice yelled and was followed by cheering from the rest of the campers. Everyone cheered his name with amazement while I laid there scrunching my nose.

     [ Third person now]

   Bellamy side hugged his little sister who was happy of the food he had brought back. The boy scanned the crowd for something, someone. But she was no where in sight. He let go of his sister and burned some of the meat from the panther and placed it on a wooden stick. Murphy made everyone who wanted the food take of their wrist bands which everyone was hesitant about but their hunger was increasing rapidly.

   The boy walked to Allison's tent with two sticks as he crawled inside. She was not yet asleep but saw the figure and sat up, smiling. He held the meat out to her and she gladly took the stick. Bellamy sat beside her while the camp seal was open and you could see the stars. The two sat in peace as they munched on the meat. Only the sounds of wincing outside was heard and Jasper's yells of pain.

   If only they knew someone was watching them from the trees when no one had noticed.

   Bellamy went with Murphy and Allison to practice their hunting. Murphy threw his axe poorly and it hit the tree but soon fell in defeat. Jasper moaning continued loudly. "It's that damn kid, always messing with my head." He quickly said.

   Only a chuckle left Allison's lips and threw her's which landed directly into the tree and stayed there. Murphy puffed slightly. "He's not going to last much longer. Better think of a new excuse." Bellamy said as he did the same as Allison.

  "You could have a little hope, you know?" Allison looked at the boy and rolled her eyes. She knew he was trying to be tough in front of his boys who came around the corner and said they couldn't find two people who wondered out last night. The girl couldn't imagine what had happened to them if the grounders got them. Maybe even worse than Jasper's condition.

   Falls walked away from the boys as Bellamy's eyes never left her body. He was upset he had said that around her but it didn't stop him from ordering John to stay back from hunting and watch the area. Allison didn't even know if she wanted to go with them anymore but she needed to. Clarke was trying to cut the infected flesh of his body when Allison went up there. Octavia soon followed behind.

  "Stop it! Your killing him!" She cried out. "She's saying his life." Finn said calmly as the rest of them, including Allison, held him still as his cries began to get louder. Bellamy soon came up. "She can't."

   Allison stood up and pushed the boy. "What the hell is wrong with you! Can't you just mind your damn business, Bellamy?" She yelled in his face as a wash of guilt soon ran over him. She returned and held Jasper's face, humming a small tune which seemed to calm him down. Clarke then proceeds to cut the infected flesh which he didn't cry that much towards. Bellamy spoke, "The kid's a goner, he's making people crazy. If you cannot see that, your deluded." He then went back down to the rest of the camp.

   "Power-hungry, self-serving jackass." Monty said to the rest of the group. This made Allison crack a small smile to him. "He doesn't care about anyone but himself. It's fine though in his eyes." She added on to the conversation and continued to hum the same melody to Jasper which made him smile. Finn and Octavia agreed with the choices of words and Clarke stayed focused along with Allison.

   Everyone cleared the room while she stayed with Jasper. She caressed his face gently as he slept like a peaceful baby with some groans here and there. Allison was afraid someone come up here and kill him themselves and she was not about to let that happen to the poor boy.

   Bellamy yelled for the hunting session. "I'm sorry Jasper, I'll be back, okay?" She spoke quietly as she stood up and walked down and grabbed her axe out of the tree and followed behind Bellamy's group.

  "She's mine.." Bellamy said as he saw a pink until creaking was heard behind them. He flicked around threw the axe and almost hit a poor girl. "Bell!" Allison screams as she ran towards the girl and made sure she was okay which Bellamy soon mirrored her actions. Everyone else went for the pig. "Who the hell are you?" Bellamy asked the girl as Allison embraced her small body.

  "Charlotte." She answered as her small hands went around Allison's figure. Bellamy couldn't help but think how much a wonderful mother she would be. He asked why she wasn't back at camp which she responded with the dying boy and that she couldn't listen anymore. Atom came behind the two. "There's grounders out here. It's too dangerous for a little girl." Allison cut him off.

  "— she's not a little girl."

   Bellamy looked at Allison smirking then back at Charlotte. "Ok then, but you can't hunt without a weapon." He handed her a knife which Allison looked at and saw it wasn't the one she gave him. She scanned his body and saw it was in his pocket like he was protected it. "Ever killed something?" He asked which she shook her head. "Who knows, maybe your good at it." He smiled.

   A loud horn went off which made them look around. Allison took off running beside of Bellamy. He took her hand and held it tightly as he led her with him. "There's caves this way!" He yells to the others. Allison looked behind them and grabbed Charlotte and picked her up and placed her on her hip as they ran with Bellamy. She saw Atom fall and the yellow fog consumed him. He ran into a cave and ushered us inside while someone yelled his name. He look outside and the fog made him cough. "Bellamy!" Allison pulled him farther inside.

   Charlotte sat on Allison's right and Bellamy on her left. Allison continues to pant as she rested her head on Bellamy's shoulder. She soon fell asleep as her hand was still inside Bellamy's. Charlotte laid her head on Allison's lap and soon fell asleep as well. Bellamy couldn't help but look at the two in awe and smiled to himself before him, too, fell asleep.

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