"Lemar, why did you do that?" Margee hesitantly questioned. "I couldn't fucking bare seeing him so close to you. " Lemar had said as his voice got quieter near the end. Hoping Margee didn't hear him.

Margee smiled a bit. Knowing the fact that Lemar was overprotective of her. It made her feel special and safe. Not many people were protective of her. At least. Not anymore.

Everyone huddled around the door too hear and see what was going too happen between them. Noor and Andrei were the most anxious since they both knew, the 2 had feelings for each other.

Without even realising what was going on around her. She suddenly felt her back against the cold hard wall.

When the students heard a thud from outside, they immediately rushed outside of the class. Mainly to see the drama. But also too see if Lemar had accidentally hurt Margee.

Noor and Andrei didn't really bother becoming worried for Margee. Since they both knew Lemar would never wish for her to be hurt. Especially by himself.

Suddenly she saw a pair of hands trapping her from both sides of her head. She looked up too see a furious and worried Lemar.

"Why the fuck did you let him touch you like that?" Lemar stated while gritting his teeth, as his face inched closer to her. Margee couldn't deny it, she liked him being overprotective of her. She found him more attractive whenever he was angry.

"Why do you care? All he did was put his arm around me." Margee said in response. Hoping he wouldn't kill his friend because of her. "Why do I care?" Lemar said as he gave a dark chuckle. He looked down to the floor as he poked the side of his cheek with his tongue, before looking back up at his lover.

He leaned closer towards Margee until his lips reached her ears. Margee blushed prefusely at their distance. In a husky voice, Lemar confessed, "I'm in fucking love with you. That's why." Margee blushed harder than before after she heard his sudden confession.

"W-what?" Margee stuttered, not believing what her ears had heard. "Margee your not that fucking deaf, alright. You heard me..." Lemar said in a low tone. His voice still husky, leaving shivers to go up Margees spine. "I said I love you." Lemar repeated.

"W-what? W-why would you even l-like me?" Margee said stuttering more from his repetition. "I think I'll list all those things later. 'Cuz if I was too name every single thing that made me like you. We would be here until Summer Break." Lemar said as he pulled away from Margee. Letting both his hands slide into his pockets.

Margees eyes widen. They started to tear up.

Without even thinking. Without giving herself a second though of the action she was going to do. She pulled him into her embrace. Tears fell onto his shoulders.

Everything happened so fast that, that Lemar didn't realize what just happened. Until he felt tears dropping onto his bare hands. He then looked down to his shoulder, to find Margee crying into him.

He confessed.

He actually finally confessed to her.

Without hesitation, he wrapped his arms around Margees waist. He pulled her further into himself, resting his chin on her head.

"M-Margee, why are you crying?" Lemar questioned as he looked down at the sobbing girl he confessed too. "B-because I l-love you t-too." Margee said as she cried harder. Hoping this wasn't one of her dreams again.

Little did they know a furious girl was staring with absolute fury in her eyes.

A bragging bitch that Margee always had despised.

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