Rant : New BITCH

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I feel sorry for Margee ☹️
This new bitch came into our class and likes Lemar now. And would you guess what?


Not the girl that has been there for him for 2 years, has been the shoulder that he's cried on because of personal issues... No no no

He likes the girl that came in 3 days ago and she looks pretty but that's all I can say about her

Margee is so much more beautiful, talented, has an amazing singing voice, artistic, caring, loving all that good stuff

This new bitch stole her seat in Art and French so she had to move.
Not the new kid that can sit somewhere else in a spare seat.

And this bitch was trying to get close to Lemar...

So Margee and Ashru (a friend of ours) went to the toilet, cuz like you know... Girls don't let their beasties go to the toilets alone

And Margee was sitting infront of Lemar while the new girl was sitting away from him.

I realised she started having a thing for Margees future husband and father of her 5 kids.

And this bitch had the NERVE to get up and sit in MARGEES seat so that she could be closer to him...

One of our friends told her what was happening (before today) and they were smiling and all happy while telling her

Like you don't tell someone
"Hey, you know the new girl? She likes the same person you've been liking for the past 2 yrs! And guess what? He likes her back cuz in business studies he was giving her those heart eyes. Isn't that cool!"

The friends that told her this knew that she liked Lemar. You don't fckin do that to ur homies.

When she came back, I immediately saw her eyes go to the new girl and I could tell that she was PISSED.

She came to the bench and instantly put her head down. And just said she was tired.

Now I knew Lemar gave the new girl more attention because whenever Margee puts her head down to ACTUALLY sleep at lunch.

He tries to wake her up or make her laugh.

But nah

He just kept talking to the new girl.

And only when I asked him, "Aren't you gonna wake up Margee?"

He was like "Nah I don't feel like it."

And at the end of lunch he decided to try and wake her up but then as soon as he tried

She burst out into tears, I mean I could see why 😔

She had another crush (HAD) named Abish and she told him she liked him, but he never replied to her (she told him she liked him on WhatsApp) he sent a deleted message.

After that he blocked her and never spoke to her. And she was devastated.

She didn't sleep nor eat properly, she then developed insomnia.

And that was just 1 crush, imagine having 2 crushs for 2 yrs and both of them not liking you after all youve been through with them

Anyways that's my rant for the day

I hope Lemar and Abish burn in the deep pits of HELL

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