It's funny how fate works. We go and say that we would never become those who we deem evil and insane. We go and say that we will rid the world of them. We go and say that we are better than them. I guess the question is, how do they seem to be the ones who survive? It seems that the answer lies within a saying that many know; If you can't beat them, join them. Funny thing is that we don't necessarily join them in the way 1 and 2 do to make 3. No. We join them by falling to their level. We do the exact same things that we'd once deemed unacceptable in order to get rid of them. No one ever realizes that they've created the very monster they'd set out to destroy. It's a cycle that's unbreakable. Corruption is an invention made by our hands. Inequality a mess that we created. We are the creations that destroyed our very creator. None of us are "better" than one another. It seems that, if anything, we continue to become worse than we were.
The Feelings Which Flow Through Me
LosoweThe feelings that I have felt, the feelings which I buried have come bursting forth. Breaking to the surface. This is for me. This is my quick release valve.