1954, Las Vegas Nevada

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  The scene begins in Las Vegas, Nevada at the MGM hotel, everyone crowded into the show as the king of rock sang on stage proudly.  He wore a white suit, a black undershirt, black pants, and black shoes.  Twistin' his legs, then stomping down one foot then the other, as he sang the song Hound Dog.

ELVIS PRESLEY: "You ain't nothin' but a hound dog!  Cryin' all the time.  You ain't nothing but a hound dog!  Cryin' all the time.  Well, you ain't never caught a rabbit and you ain't no friend of mine...."

ELVIS PRESLEY: "Well they said you was high-classed!  Well that was just a lie.  Yeah they say you was high-classed!  Well that was just a lie.  Well, you ain't never caught a rabbit and you ain't no friend of mine!...."

  The guitars strummed to the tune as Elvis shook out his legs and held up the mic again.

ELVIS PRESLEY: "You ain't nothin' but a hound dog!  Cryin' all the time.  You ain't nothin' but a hound dog!  Cryin' all the time.  Well, you ain't never caught a rabbit and you ain't no friend of mine..."

  He stamped down his foot.

ELVIS PRESLEY: "Well they said you was high-classed!  Well that was just a lie.  Yeah they said you was high-classed!  well that was just a lie.  Well, you ain't never caught a rabbit and you ain't no friend of mine...."

 The guitar men in the back played on as the drummer had done the same.  Elvis sang the same lyrics and hummed a tune into the mic, shaking his legs and stamping his foot.  The crowd was wild as a couple of the women fainted in the audience, they were taken out of the show as the rest of the men an women listened happily dancing.  

 Just as Elvis was going to get to the end his song there was a loud gust of wind that broke through and into the show.  The men and women in the crowd became frightened.  Elvis Presley had stopped suddenly looking to where the gust of wind came from as it blew through his hair.

ELVIS PRESLEY speaking through the mic: "Uh, don't worry folks, I'm sure it's just a minor...error?"

  A gust of more wind broke into the show as papers flew everywhere along with a few stage props.  The wind was so powerful, that it blew the men and women in the crowds back to the side of the walls.  Elvis, however, hadn't moved anywhere.

ELVIS PRESLEY: "We're ending the show short today folks...uh...gotta run!"

    All of the people being blown by the wind screamed in fear as they all hurried out of the show.  The wind became more storm like and powerful.  Elvis Presley had turned to run off stage but he found himself stuck in one place.

ELVIS PRESLEY: "Huh?!  What's going on?"

     It was like a force was holding him down, he tried to call for backup help and four or five men tried to come on stage.  But instead, they were blown back by the huge gusts of wind.  Elvis the began to panic slightly.

ELVIS PRESLEY: "Men! Men I need some help here!"

  The stage crew tried their best to go on stage to pull Elvis off the stage, but they were being pushed back by the huge gust of wind.  Soon, a gigantic wormhole appeared before Elvis, a crackling energy, a dark swirling hole, it was unlike anything he's ever seen before.

ELVIS PRESLEY: "Oh sh*t!  This can't be good..."

  The dark swirling, crackling, and electrical wormhole approached closer to him.  Elvis Presley tried to turn and run but he couldn't, for he was stuck.  


But no one could get to him, the wind was too strong for anyone else.  A stage man yelled after him holding onto the stage of the stage as the gust of wind blew.


  The stage man let's go an was blasted into the wall screaming.  Elvis turned his head again as the wormhole sucked him up.  The dark crackling energy then imploded and the gusts of wind stop abruptly.  The stage crew fall to the ground from being held up on the wall by the wind.  

  The stage man rubs his eyes...

STAGE MAN: "Where did he go?"

PHOTOGRAPHER: "The damn swirlin' thing took him away!"

RADIO GUY: "What the hell just happened?"

STAGE MAN: "I don't know, but where ever that thing took our star, he's gotta be in a lot of trouble."

RADIO GUY: "That was freaking terrifying sir!"

STAGE MAN: "I know...kid, it's terrifying to you because your the new guy."

RADIO GUY: "I-I'm sorry sir?"

PHOTOGRAPHER: "He's saying your a scaredy-cat boy."

RADIO GUY: "Oh...yeah, I guess."

  Meanwhile, Elvis was in another world.  He had no idea what was happening as he was flying through a weird starry night world.  He didn't stop as he swerved everywhere.  Yelling he covered his eyes as he approached an opening into a brighter world.  

  He tumbles out of the wormhole an onto a dark ground.  The wormhole implodes as Elvis laid on the ground aching.  He was so exhausted, that he could barely pull himself off the ground.  

ELVIS PRESLEY: "Ughhh, what the hell?"

    Elvis pulls himself to sitting position, then realized he was on a stage, although it was empty.  However, when he stood up, he heard the wormhole appear from behind him again.  He turns swiftly with his eyes wide, frightened.

  What was happening now?  He could barely breath, was it going to kill him??  For he feared death.   Although, was he assumed to happen, didn't.   And instead, some one fell out of the wormhole...

Some one from 1968...

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