John Lennon's Companion

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  John runs after the strange young boy who seemed concerned yet nervous.  When he made his way past people and flying cars, hoverboaders, and rocket-shoe-skaters, he finds himself in an alley way where a DeLorean car sat untouched.  The boy was hurrying to get inside but John Lennon raised his voice to get the boy's attention.  The boy shouts frightened, he puts his hands up.

MARTY MCFLY: "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I swear I'm not a spy!"

JOHN LENNON: "Hey hey, calm down will ya?  I just noticed you because you noticed me."

  The boy brushed his fingers through his hair, trying to act normal.  He laughs coughing at the same time and he puts his hands on his hips nodding his head.

MARTY MCFLY: "I-I'm sorry it's just, I wasn't sure if you were apart of a time thing.  Um, I just don't know how to explain."

JOHN LENNON: "What's your name?"

MARTY MCFLY: "M-Marty, Marty Mcfly.  You see, I travel around in time an stuff if you understand what I mean."

JOHN LENNON raising a brow: "Your a time traveler?"


JOHN LENNON: "Well, I'm a singer, John Lennon."

  John shook the boys hand with a smile.  The boy tilted his head surprised for a second.  

JOHN LENNON: "Tell me, if you can time travel, would it be possible to transfer me back to 1968 in Miami, Florida?"

MARTY MCFLY: "I mean of course, why, how did you get here?"

JOHN LENNON: "Some strange time warp thing of some kind, never quite seen it before.  But, it gobbled me up and spit me out here in this highly-technological era."


JOHN LENNON: "I also need you to help me write a song."

  The boy's voice cracked.

MARTY MCFLY: "W-what?"

JOHN LENNON: "I've got to write a song that the judges will like, the four or five judges are going to be voting on which singer is the best.  I'm going against three other men that claim themselves the king of all music.  I need you to help me write a song that's excellent enough for the judges to have me win the competition."

MARTY MCFLY: "Uh, okay, wow.  That's alot of information, er, who are you going against?"

JOHN LENNON: "Mustache Mercury, Pop dancer Michael, and Elvis Presley."

MARTY MCFLY: "Aw jeez, well, here's the deal Lennon sir, I can help you write a song but I can't risk changing the history of the past. We write a song for you to sing to the judges, we'll see if you win and if you don't then that's it.  I'll take you back to 1968.  I've got lots of things to do so come."

  Marty motioned John to the DeLorean and he got on the opposite side of him.  The doors opened up like a spaceship.  Marty and John closed the hatches of the car.  The flux compactor warped glowing in the back.  He typed in the date of the time he needed to go to and then punched in a code.  He back up the car, and then engaged the flight boosters.

  The car lifted off the ground turning it's wheel sideways.  John Lennon's eyes grew with wonder and filled with awe.  Marty turned the car around and pressed the gas pedal.

  John shouted laughing as Marty hit 80 miles per hour.  The flying car then vanished in the air.


A blast of light fired twice.  Then the DeLorean blasted out on the road as Marty drove his way into a drive way and then parking.  John was stunned, he looked out the window,

JOHN LENNON: "What year are we?  WHERE are we?"

MARTY MCFLY's: "1985, Doc's place.  Come on, I'll show you around, I also got a few guitars for you to try out."

  John Lennon looked around with wandering eyes.  He adjusted his glasses and followed Marty inside of the big mansion like house.  Inside, everything was filled with technology, lasers, buttons, and all kinds of gizmos.  The house seem very nice, in the back there was a busy white haired man that was mumbling to himself about 1.21 jigawatts from what Lennon heard.

DOC: "Marty give me a hand with this will ya?"

  The boy walked over and helped the man  lift a heavy piece of equipment onto a table.  The white haired man wearing a white lab coat looks to Lennon curiously.

DOC: "Marty, you're not bringing any one of historical importance anywhere are you?"

MARTY MCFLY: "This one is just temporary, he needs my help.  He sorta got lost in time.  Um, Doc, this is John Lennon, John this is Doc Emmet Brown."

  John shook the mans hand with a smile.  Doc then turns to Marty a tad bit concerned.

DOC: "Marty, why does he need your help?"

JOHN LENNON: "I need him to help me write a song, I cahn't do it alone."

MARTY MCFLY: "He needs me Doc, he's trying to win a competition in 2078.  That way if he wins or not, I can take him back the same exact time an day he left before."

DOC rambled: "Ugh Marty!  That's risky!  Your risking the Beatles, they are known all over the world and to this day!  If you mess up the timeline the outcomes can become catastrophic, having him come here or end up in the future of 2078 is a mistake!"

MARTY MCFLY: "He didn't end up in the future on purpose.  Some warp thing brought him there."

JOHN LENNON: "It's true, I was just singing revolution with my friends in Miami, Florida of 1968. Then this huge gust of wind stopped the show immediately, all of my band mates were blown off stage like feathers!  Then this big, black, electrical thing sucks me up and spits me out in the futuristic world."

DOC: "Fascinating!  You still need to go back though."

MARTY MCFLY: "He will, I've gotta help him write this song so I'll be upstairs Doc.  Come on John."

    Marty lead John upstairs to the mansion to where his room was. Marty had owned two eletric guitars that he wanted to show him.  he seemed slightly excited that an actual legend was with him for the first time.  He was also determined to write the greatest song to help him win, and get him the crown of all music. 

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