1968, Miami Florida

88 9 0

  The scene is now in a very large and crowded stadium.  Girls screaming so loud that it's almost deafening.  Up on stage were the Beatles.  John, Paul, George, and Ringo, with their guitars in hand and drums in the back.  John Lennon was wearing a dark black jacket and red under shirt, black jeans, and black shoes.  

  Paul was wearing a button up long sleeve shirt, blue jeans, and black shoes. George was wearing a grey jacket, red striped collared shirt, and black jeans.  Finally, Ringo in the back was wearing a white jacket, black undershirt, black jeans, and black shoes.

  All the fan girls screamed as they sang the song Revolution. John begins with a high pitched tune on the guitar that sounded like heavy metal, then slowed to a snapping beat.

JOHN LENNON: " Well you say you wanna' Rev-o-lu-tion-uhn a well, ya know.  We all wanna  change the world. You tell me that it's evo-lu-tion-uhn a well ya know. We all wanna change the world..."

  John and Paul strum their guitars as George did the same following.

JOHN LENNON: "But when you talk about de-stru-ction-uhn.  Don't you know that you can count me out....don't you know it's gonna be! Al-right!   Al-right!"

Paul McCartney strums at his base guitar playing left handed.  George Harrison nods his head to the tune as he looked at his guitar strumming.  Ringo Starr hitting at the drums happily, then the angle is back on John Lennon as he begins to sing again...

JOHN LENNON: "  You say you gotta' real so-lu-tion-uhn a well, ya know!  We all love to see the plan.  You ask me for a con-tri-bution-uhn a well, ya know!  We're do-ing what we can..."

  John plays at a higher tune and then plays one string at his guitar...

JOHN LENNON: "But when you want money from people with minds that ha-ate!  All I can tell you is brothe-r you have-to-wait!  Don't you know it's gonna be!  Al-right!  Al-right!"

  All of the George, Paul, and John play at a sick tune on their electric guitars.  The crowd goes wild cheering and clapping their hands for them.  John created pleasure like sounds to appease the women in the crowd as he strummed his guitar.  Paul looks alive to him as George still looked at his guitar.  

   Paul screams happily as he went back to the beginning, John sings once again.  

JOHN LENNON: " You say that you'll change the con-sti-tution-uhn, well, ya know!  We all wanna change your head.  You tell me it's the insti-tu-tion-uhn, well you know!  You better free your mind instead..."

JOHN LENNON: "But if y____."

  A blast or gust of wind interrupts as the mics make a loud screeching noise.  The whole crowd yells covering their ears as the Beatles did the same.  Another gust of wind happened again as Paul began to speak.

PAUL MCCARTNEY: "John!  What's happening?!"

JOHN LENNON: "I don't know!  But it's one hell of a wind tunnel in here!"


  Another gust of winds blasts Ringo from his drum set.  Paul fell on his back hard groaning as his guitar hit his face.  George held onto John Lennon's sleeve as he looked to the audience seeing everyone had run out frightened and scared.  

  GEORGE HARRISON: "John!  We need to get some help!"

JOHN LENNON: "I'm working on that!"

  George loses  grip of John's sleeve and goes flying past Paul, soon George was holding onto the side of the stage along with the drummer Ringo.  John found himself stuck in one place holding onto his guitar, another gust of wind blasted Paul McCartney back, he clutched his guitar at the same time.  



  John Lennon turns his head to see a gigantic swirling dark wormhole in front of him.  John struggled to move, he was stuck, trapped by some kind of force.  He looks back to his friends trying to reach out to them, but they were too far away.  

  The wormhole inches closer and closer as John Lennon screamed...


  The electrical, dark, and powerful wormhole implodes with John  Lennon and the gusts of wind stop suddenly.  George and Ringo fell and hit the stage with their bodies, they groaned achy and dazed.  However, Paul sat up immediately.


  He runs over to where Lennon had disappeared or was taken away.  His eyes scanned the whole area.

PAUL MCCARTNEY: "No...no this cahn't happen, this cahn't be happening!"

  Paul fell to his knees confused shaking his head.  George and Ringo pulled themselves up on the stage and came to their knees next to Paul. 

GEORGE HARRISON: "What was that thing?"

RINGO STARR: "I've never seen anything like that before in my entire life."

PAUL MCCARTNEY: "It took him away..."

RINGO STARR: "But why?  And where?"

GEORGE HARRISON: "I dunno, but, where ever he is...I hope he'll return."

The scene changes as we find John Lennon flying through this strange space like portal.  He had his guitar slung around his shoulder as his arms were out wide like a skydiver.  His hair blew back as he flew faster and faster until he saw an opening portal ahead.  He screamed covering his face and glasses as he was blasted out of the portal.

  John Lennon groaned as he rolled over, his guitar laid beside him but, as he looked up, he saw someone that he wasn't expecting to see.  When John could then see clearly, he sat up slowly with his jaw dropped...

  John Lennon faced Elvis Presley, and he was speechless,  Why?  How?  Where was he?  Suddenly, there was another portal that opened behind him as another famous singer tumbled out onto the ground....

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