Undying Love + Elijah Mikaelson

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Word Count: 979

Warnings: Hell nah

Prompt: A silver dagger dipped in White Oak Ash can kill an Original, as long as the dagger isn't removed from the heart. But what happens when you do remove the dagger?


You looked at Stefan and Damon nodding your head "So we are just gonna hide a dead Elijah in our basement?" You question your older brothers.

They nod "Yep." Damon smirks "Great, just don't remove the dagger this time." You sigh getting up off the couch and heading to your room.

"Where you going? Go check on Elena." Alaric looks at you "Right, thanks with Stefan and Damon pull me away anymore to tell me all the little details I sometimes forget things." You smile.

You met up with Elena and her surprise visitor apparently you would love "Tyler?" He turns his head and smiles towards you "Elena filled me in on what was going on, thought I'd stick around and help." He stands up hugging you.

"So, what's on our conversation list today?" You ask sitting next to Elena, Tyler sat down across from you both.

"Well there's Elijah, Klaus, Bonnie's powers everything horrible." Elena points out.

"You have a safe house now though." You point out making her nod "A safe house?" Tyler asks.

"Yeah Y/n, Damon and Stefan gave me their house. So I can invite certain vampires in." Elena elaborates making Tyler nod "So did you invite Y/n in?" Tyler jokes you laugh lightly with them.

"Damon was the only one I wasn't going to invite in." Elena smiles.

You left the Grill with them and headed back to the house, you sat around talking for a bit before you excused yourself "I need to go straighten my room up from the fight." Tyler looked at Elena who just smiled.

"Fight?" Tyler questioned "She put the dagger in Elijah, they got into a fight about me. He wanted to take me to Klaus or something, and she fought him until she was able to stab him with the dagger." Elena explains.

"Huh, that seems about right. Everyone has to protect you, and I guess that leaves me to join you guys." Tyler smiles.

Days have flown by, you helped Elena with the FaceTime between her and Bonnie before giving them a minute. You stepped outside and took a deep breath.

"Hey, are you avoiding me?" You look at Tyler "Why would I do that?" You ask he shrugs "We had a pretty good moment and then I just left." You nod.

"Oh yeah that does ring a slight distant bell." You comment Tyler sighs "Look Y/n, I did fall for you. But it just seemed like you didn't care." You shrug "Oops." You whisper.

He turns you around and kisses you "What the- Lockwood get your paws off my sister!" Damon snaps Tyler steps back as Damon yanks you inside.

"What was that?" Damon asks you shrug and point to the door he nods and mouths "What the hell" you smile and mouth back a thank you before disappearing up to your room.

You got to thinking about what Bonnie said, she was right you guys knew nothing about Klaus. But there was someone who did his brother- Elijah.

You crept down to the basement and walked into the room holding Elijah, you kneeled down next to him and placed your hand around the dagger before pulling it out of his chest.

It was a rocky wake up, he ran into two different walls. Before he finally got outside, you stood on the front porch with him "What happened?" You look at the house "Come with me." You whisper.

You walked to the closest park and sat down on a park bench "I'm sorry I stabbed you with the dagger." You start he nods "Your apology is accepted." He leans back on the bench and turns to face you.

"So what happened?" He asks again "Well Klaus is here, and nobody knows I brought you back basically." You sigh looking at him "I'm here to help, if I can trust you not to place that dagger back in my heart." You nod.

"I won't I promise you." He nods "Who did you and your brothers give the house to?" You look at him "Elena for her safety." Elijah nods again.

"So here's the full story." Elijah starts you listened to him carefully, you paid attention to even the smallest details.

"Thank you for helping us." You stood outside the door of the what was once your house "My pleasure Y/n. You're different from your brothers its as if you're still human." Elijah smiles softly.

"Thanks I guess, um good night I guess." He nods"Good night Y/n." You walked inside and Elena walked over after you went upstairs.

"Elijah would you like to come in?" Elijah turns around and nods "Well thank you." Elena points upstairs and mouths "She's upstairs in her room".

Elijah headed up to your room and found you on your bed with a book "Never took you as a heavy reader." Elijah comments looking at your walls that have been converted to book shelves.

"Yeah, books are just a distraction sometimes." You reply.

He looks at you "You don't seemed shocked that I am here." You shrug "I heard what Elena did, so are you staying here?" He nods.

"For the time being." You stood up and walked over to him "I understand you and Damon kind of hate each other, but could ignore him." Elijah nods.

"I have a rather beautiful woman keeping my mind busy." You look at him curiously "Really who-" Elijah had leaned down and kissed you gently "You." He whispered.

You giggled "Really?" He nods "Today brought me to be more attracted to you." He confesses "Well I'm attracted to you too, Elijah."


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