Strong Minded + Elijah Mikaelson

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Prompt: You are to not leave the house, under any circumstances, you are to stay in the house. But happens when you break that boring ass rule.


You sat on the couch looking at Klaus who was sitting across from you. This might sound really odd and off but you and Klaus were really close, you had become very good friends over the time of you staying with the Mikaelson's.

You were a werewolf born into a family of werewolves who had given you to a group of vampires for your safety. But you found yourself in a pack in your teen years, you stayed alongside the vampires but you also ran with the pack.

A war started between the vampires and the pack you ran with, they hated the alpha James with a passion he was rude, arrogant, selfish, and over all stopped at nothing until he had blood on his hands. He was the true dominant alpha.

You had split from the pack choosing your side with the vampires, the ones who raised you and even though you were a werewolf they loved you and helped you. Now here you sat with the Mikaelson's by your side willing to protect you until you can find your vampire family.

"They're coming here?" You question the fear was hidden but evident enough for Klaus to give you his one look to assure you he would help protect you.

"That's what I've heard, but they won't find you or get to you. Elijah, Rebekah and I will make sure of that." Klaus promised, he viewed you as another sister and when that finalized that meant all hell would break loose for anyone who dared try to hurt you or kill you.

Klaus stood up and looked at you "We promised that night to protect you until you found your family, so we won't let anything happen to you." He reminds you.

"I agree with, Nik. You need to remember that Y/n, nothing will happen to you." You looked back at Elijah and nodded.

Yes, you were close with Klaus and Rebekah as well but the one person you were closer to than Klaus and Rebekah was Elijah. He was the one who found you that night in woods, a bite on your shoulder concerned him so he had brought you to his house wrapped up in his jacket. He cared for you and helped you when Rebekah and Klaus wouldn't because you were a werewolf.

It was cold that night in the woods, you ran through them until you smelled him another werewolf. You had both had quite the stare down because he launched himself at you which was odd, werewolves typically didn't harm each other they helped one another. He had left a bite on your shoulder before you had inevitably killed him.

Elijah sat next to you as Klaus headed up to his room "Are you okay?" He asked making you nod "Yeah, just thinking. I need to go do something okay?" You looked at him and he nodded.

"I'll see you later I suppose?" You nod "I'll be back in an hour or so." You smiled standing up.

You had left the house and headed down for a small bar that wasn't highly known, at least the Mikaelson's didn't go there anyway. You had an idea but you needed a little help.

You arrived back home and went upstairs looking for Elijah or someone. You went to his room to see the door open and him organizing the many books he had bought for you, the ones that didn't have any room in your room.

"You're home, can I know what you did?" He asks looking over at you with a small warm smile, his hazel brown eyes locking with your beautiful e/c eyes.

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