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Midnight shifted in the chair of her dressing room slightly. She was currently at the set of Chef & My Fridge, and was waiting for herself to be called down.

But that wasn't what was making her so nervous and anxious.

She was at the show alone, without her members, and the only other idol there was one of her Sunbaes, whom she didn't know the name of.

Standing up, to look in the mirror, she checked her outfit.

 She liked that they made an effort to fit her style, she just wished they picked a more subtle heel

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She liked that they made an effort to fit her style, she just wished they picked a more subtle heel.

"Belle! Your on!"

Midnight double checked her brown ponytail again before leaving the room and going to the platform, already hearing the Chefs and the hosts talking.

What she didn't expect to see, was the sunbae that walked up.

"Oh, hello Sunmi Sunbae."  Midnight bowed to the raven haired idol.

"Hi. You're the girl from Seventeen right?" Sunmi said, shaking her hand.

"Ah, yes. I look up to you and EXO-sunbaenim a lot." Midnight said, controlling her fangirling.

"Thank you. Are you ready to start the show?" Sunmi said.

"Yes, sunbae." Midnight said

"Call me unnie." Sunmi said, as the hosts yelled something and the doors opened.

Midnight bowed again before giving a couple of polite waves before taking the seat at the end, next to Chef Sam Kim.

"We have two beautiful idol stars today, and both are the only females in their group."

"Please welcome, the charismatic and multi-national, SEVENTEEN's Belle."

"Hello!" Midnight said brightly, bowing slightly to the others at the table.

"You're the youngest in your group right?"

"Ah, I'm the second youngest, I'm a day older than Dino."  Midnight corrected.

"Does he still call you noona?"

"Midnight, but I keep reminding him not too." Belle said with a slight laugh.

"We did a search on you, and it shows that you are quite the international star."

"Ah yes, I was born in Japan, but my mother is from Shanghai, and my father is from England. I'm ethnically Chinese-British, but my nationality is Japanese." Belle explained.

"Does that effect what's in your kitchen?"

"Well, I still live with SEVENTEEN, and our kitchen has a lot of Korean food, but we also have a lot of Chinese food and Japanese food. We actually have 2 fridges, one for cooking ingredients, and the other is for snacks, processed foods, ice, and leftovers. Our pantry is also pretty full, which is why there's so much stuff." Midnight explained, gesturing towards the 2 large fridges and overflowing wooden baskets of food.

midnight | seventeen 14th memberWhere stories live. Discover now