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Day6 Jae + MidnightJaeMi[ romantic/besties ]

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Day6 Jae + Midnight
[ romantic/besties ]

- ride or dies
- everyone thinks they're a couple, but in reality they're platonic soulmates
- ramen at 4 am? yes
- they're in two different companies? Who cares
- sweater paws
- one can dance, one can 100% not
- recreating vines 25/8

- ride or dies- everyone thinks they're a couple, but in reality they're platonic soulmates- ramen at 4 am? yes- they're in two different companies? Who cares- sweater paws- one can dance, one can 100% not- recreating vines 25/8

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The Rose's Jaehyeong + Midnight
[ romantic ]

- cuddles
- all their friends want them to date
- staring at eachother
- wE gEt iT
- just date already
- act like a newly engaged couple 24/7
- coffee dates
- Jaehyeong's learning Japanese for her
- buy each other snacks

- cuddles- all their friends want them to date- staring at eachother- wE gEt iT- just date already- act like a newly engaged couple 24/7- coffee dates- Jaehyeong's learning Japanese for her - buy each other snacks

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EXO's Chanyeol + Midnight
[ siblings ]

- the only time they're not bickering is when they're playing instruments
- i kid you not
- "hey old man! Pass me the tv remote!" "I'm older than you!" "I don't care! I wanna watch Fairy Tail!"
- "I'm gonna shimmy shimmy kokobop my foot up your ass if you don't move your goddam head off my lap." "That's my girl." "Shut up Suho."
- these two will kill each other
- but they deep down appreciate eachother

" - these two will kill each other- but they deep down appreciate eachother

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ASTRO's MJ + Midnight
[ awkward kids ]

- collabed for a song
- still awkward
- go out for ramyeon together
- highkey soft and cute
- belle got cold once and MJ stuck HIS two heat packs against her cheeks ON CAMERA
- always always showing upand surprising each other at their events

midnight | seventeen 14th memberWhere stories live. Discover now