City of the Fallen - Chapters 1-3

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From the very beginning life was not just created by God, but by those who were his followers. Many of his angels helped in the making of the world that we call Earth and to this day we still don't know what happened to those who disagreed and therefore were proclaimed with the title....'The Fallen'

Then again no-one would ever think that such beautiful creatures could be here on Earth but only in a figment of our imagination, but they are out there and they have found a way to blend in.

Chapter 1:

Well my name is Katherine but everyone calls me Kat, I'm your everyday junior walking into their first day of Chemistry dreading to see who you have as a partner after the very long and sometimes boring summer vacation. I didn't do that much honestly, all that filled my vacation was to study for my SAT's that were approaching ever so quickly but that wasn't what made me stop dead when I walked into my new chemistry class, every seat was taken except one that was situated at the very front right next to a newly exchange student, looked as if he could bench 250 easily with the muscular depth of his arms that were stretching his black V-neck quite a lot.

I approached the seat and noticed that he was long legged and that he must have been about six foot something and could easily tower me a petite five foot six brunette. Class began as soon as I seated and retrieved my note book from my ancient, crumbling backpack that was sadly brought from my mom's favourite shop downtown which somehow always smelled of old people that stagnant but enriched with knowledge smell, I only hoped that I wouldn't linger on my clothes. Half way through making notes on the periodic table I noticed a mark on his right hand, it was almost like a tattoo, I wondered about asking about but decided to opt out of the questioning as soon as he turned his head an inch to notice me looking "you see something you like?" my mind just went blank there was no words coming up from my throat that could reply to such a demeaning attitude and that seducing rich voice that sounded like he had practised that line a lot. Finally after about five seconds of analytical thought my mouth just opened with "When did you get that tattoo?" What! That was the most pathetic thing I could of possibly have said, because as soon as I did he just looked and went "a few months back", then he slowly reclined his head back into a position to continue to take notes.

After class I went to the cafeteria and met up with my long term 'BFF' Lora who was your average mean girl but without the mean part; her hair was silky blonde and she had a bikini models body which everyone envied for sometimes even me even though being a size 10 wasn't all that bad, but Lora used to be the popular one until she ditched all that superiority to be my friend which was why we would always be friends and tell our darkest secrets too. "Have you heard?" I was faced with these dilemma's quite often and still I had no idea as usually what was about to come up, "That new exchange guy has it in for you" I screamed inside my head "What?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing, I weren't nothing but nice to him in the chemistry lesson that we both shared. Lora continued "Yeah, apparently he's asking to swap classes just to get away from you" Lora noticed my facial expression of shock, horror and absolute remorse, what on earth could I of possibly done to make him want to physically get up and leave. "Who did you hear this from?" that's all I could get through my clenched jaw from my short anxiety attack, "Kieran mentioned to me earlier that he saw him in the main office requesting to move from chemistry to biology but he never told me if it got approved, don't worry Kat the guys a loser he should be head over heels for you not trying to run a mile" there was that slightly humorous tone that was always used when she tried to make me laugh and not go down the gloomy path which would probably be the case right now.... No, I am not going to let this newbie make one bad judgement on me through an hour of chemistry I am going to confront him and demand to know what his problem was and that I am not going to budge until I get a reasonable explanation. That's when I rushed through my simple meal consisting of an apple, a breadstick and a carton of apple juice, as soon as I left the cafeteria I speed walked down through the halls and corridors and turned the final corridor to smack right into a male pupils chest which hurt more than it should of. But this was no ordinary pupil it was the new exchange student whose name I still did not know, "what's your name?" I said somehow in the midst of picking up my geometry books and rubbing my forehead and all I got was a simple smile and "my name is Dante" and with that short sentence telling me only one thing he walked the opposite direction. I was enraged with anger why didn't I say anything, what happened to the tough act I put on earlier about confronting him but instead I got mesmerized by good looks and charm but it's not my fault that I started to go dark for the dark secretive boy in black.

Chapter 2:

After school I drove my second hand ford focus ST back to my three bedroom, semi-detached house which I shared with my loving mother who would probably still be at work, since she started her new job as a sales manager she hasn't been getting in from work until usually past ten. My dad on the other hand is no-where to be seen since his plane crashed over the Atlantic almost six years ago but there was never any trace of him so I don't know what to believe anymore. I pulled onto the driveway of the house to see a flicker of movement from my bedroom window with the curtain still slightly swinging from where whoever it was, was peaking a view possibly to see if I was home. I instantly thought to call the cops but this could just be my mom cleaning my room but how, her car wasn't on the drive or the road. I skipped every other step as I clambered to the front porch to realize the front door was hanging in place by just one hinge, I rushed into the kitchen grabbed one of my mom's carving knives and walked through the house not knowing whether or not that person was still inside, I was walking through the hall when all of a sudden a black shadow ran out in front of me and slammed me right in the chest and chucked me into my mom's glass cabinet, my body was filling with pain and as I looked up the person was gone and then I started to break down in a moment of sincere shock and confusion.

The police had been and gone, checking for signs of anything that could have been stolen or used to get in but nothing, they searched the area to see if anyone was wearing all black but I couldn't give a full description due to not being able to see the persons face but I could definitely tell it was a male. Luckily when my mom got home I was unscathed and avoided any more attacks and was given as an award for pure bravery take-out of pizza which went down nice with the vanilla ice-cream.

That night I dreamt my experience again but this time I was in my school, I peered at the clock of the classroom wall; 11:30 at night, why was I in the school in my dream at such a time, but then footsteps were lurking towards the door and started to slow down when he or she or whatever abomination was about to turn into the classroom and that's when Dante walked straight through the door and stood directly a few feet away from me, looking as if he was going to kill me, then a creepy, old women's voice spoke not allowed but in my mind saying "Kill her", "Don't let her live, she is the reason your trapped here" but then I realized it wasn't just me who could here this cause exactly when the voice had stopped he drew a kitchen knife from his pocket but it wasn't just any kitchen knife It was one of my mom's carving knives and with that he lunged....... I woke up to a completely freezing cold room, as I acknowledged my surroundings I realized my window was completely open and was letting the coldest draft in which made me think was someone in my room?

Chapter 3

My nightmare had ended but the query that came from my stomach made me think otherwise, why would I have that dream about a guy who I'd only met once? That wouldn't be the end because I was about to see him in under two hours time.

As usual I went into our family bathroom, brushed my teeth twice to make sure they were white as snow; showered and dried for the long day ahead and then finally made my way downstairs to see my mom sitting at the coffee table drinking what looked to be tea. She heard me walk in and said "do you want me to make you a drink?" "No thanks mom I'm going to be late" was my reply as I rushed outside to see that my car was no where in sight.

"Mom where is my car?" I almost cried as I stormed back into the house, "it been taken to the mechanics to be fixed, that car had several problems" I was astonished to know how I was going to get to school. But all that formed in my head was 'walk time', my mom called 'love you' after I jogged down my front porch towards the direction that my school was in.

As I was probably 30 minute away from school I decided to quicken my pace so I wouldn't receive a tardy on my second day back of school when all of a sudden a black Bugatti Vitesse pulled up along the curb; the window rolled down with a slow humming noise when "do you need a ride?" Came a masculine voice that could only belong to one person that I would rather not get into a car with and that was the same person who had made shiver with goosebumps after my dream.

Dante. He perched himself half on the passenger seat and motioned for me to come in or at least close.

When I finally bottled up the courage after a few seconds I paced over and all that came out was " nice car, you steal it?" He didn't seem impressed "bought it actually, you wanna ride or not ?" As the words melted out of his mouth like sweet butter my eyes drifted to the semi dark sky that would soon sprinkle and then thrash down with rain; so instead of getting soaked I hopped into the car.

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