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Jungkook offered Taehyung some iced tea just as they finished packing his stuff.

"Jungkook?" Taehyung called out and Jungkook snapped his head up and hummed.

"Are you.. um ready, for the job?" He asked and Jungkook paused for a second. "Well I dunno, Haven't tried such a job, but I'll do my best" He smiled and Taehyung nodded, they stared at each other for a few seconds before Taehyung's phone vibrated against his thigh.

His eyed immediately changed direction as the younger akwardly coughed.

"Oh, I'm needed at the company, I'll see you then?" Taehyung said and stood up.

Jungkook smiled and nodded too, standing up and led the man outside.

Then they waved goodbyes to each other.


3 days passed faster than the the two thought.

Jungkook was getting his boxes and bags loaded in Seokjin's car trunk as the older was making sure Jungkook's little house was locked.

They got in the car and Jungkook sighed as buckled his belt. "What's wrong?" Seokjin asked and Jungkook shook his head. "Just nervous, I guess"

Jin hummed as he giggled, then drove Jungkook to the company's apartment.

It was located in the richest part of the city, Jungkook's eyes twinkled when he saw the tall white, black and gray buildings, the trees surrounding them makes  them look much fancier.

It was a dream seeing this view everyday, but Jungkook's heart thumped when he realized his everyday view was this, and maybe; hopefully a shirtless Taehyung.

Then they reached Bighit Apartments, one of the biggest buildings in the area, it was grayish black, big and high, and commoners getting a chance to live hear only happens in dramas, but no, Jungkook was going to live here for three whole months.

Jungkook then stepped out, bowing at his hyung for bearing him to the big building.

He slowly took out his bags and boxes and entered the apartment building, and the first floor was even fancier.

There was a big glass chandelier above his head, the counter was wooden, everybody there were either bighit staff or trainees, some even idols he doesn't recognize much.

And everybody was looking at him.

No, not Jungkook.

The man who walked his way, he was glowing, wearing a saint laurent sweater and some jeans with a pair of balenciagas. Holy shit, he was perfect.

Jung Hoseok.

THE Jung Hoseok was infront of Jungkook.

Jungkook felt weak and embarassed, and just as he gathered every bit of his self control, the ethereal man smiled and Jungkook let out a little gasp, which was thankfully inaudible.

"Hi, I'm Hoseok, you must be Jungkook right? Taehyung's new manager?" The guy said and Jungkook just froze, staring. He was even more perfect in person.

Jungkook then realized he was being questioned. "Oh.. um yes?" He said because he didn't even hear the question.

"that's great, he should be here in a few minutes, he's at the gym" Hoseok said and Jungkook nodded. "Oh that's fine, I'll wait here"  He said and Hoseok hummed. "Well Jungkook, it's nice meeting you, but I got to rush to the company because of a surprise meeting" Hoseok said and Jungkook nodded. After they said their byes to each other, Hoseok ran outside of the glass door as Jungkook sat on the white couch, waiting for Taehyung to arrive.

It was still unbelievable that Jungkook met Hoseok who he says is his first love because he loved 2J back in highschool and did a lot of dancecovers for their songs.

He sighed to himself and put out his phone to play some games while waiting for Taehyung.

After a few levels of candy crush, he suddenly felt a harsh slap on his shoulder. "WHAT THE- oh" Jungkook suddenly calmed down as he saw the man's face.

He was little, and chubby, and pink, and a literal definition of cute babie.

Jungkook never knew he was a dom until he saw the man.

"Oh- You're not Hoseok hyung!" The little guy said. "Damn that bitch really left me" He said. "Hey isn't it a bit inappropriate for you to say those words?" Jungkook said and the lil guy looked at him.

"What? am I 7 to you?" The guy said. "No, maybe 12 or 15 or in between" Jungkook said and the guy gasped offensively. "Omg fuck off I'm like 24" He said.

"I pray to shesus you won't ever get your debut for disrespecting you're sunbae" He said and Jungkook chuckled. "Oh, um no actually I'm not a trainee"

The guy paused for a minute and gasped excitedly. "Holy shit! Don't tell me you're the new manager Taehyung's been all squirty about" Jimin loudly squealed and everybody but Jungkook was a bit distracted by his choice of words.

But the guy wasn't even a bit agitated by the weird stares. "Hehe, I'm sorry. I'm Jimin by the way, I'm in a sub unit with Hoseok hyung but I'll be debuting as a solo artist this may" Jimin said and Jungkook nodded.

"I wish you luck then Jiminie hyung" Jungkook smiled and Jimin choked. "Bitch what u so cute for? No doubt in about a month or less Taehyung gon hit that everynight" Jimin said and Jungkook widened his eyes.

"Oh um no- We don't- I don't find him sexually attractive" Jungkook lied. "Omg your tea so salty, everyone in the world finds Taehyung sexually attractive, literally the dude's dick is this long" Jimin said and then placed his hands apart from each other to represent how long Taehyung's dick was.

And fuck, was it long.

Jungkook awkwardly chuckled and Jimin laughed. "Bitch, I'm not joking we had sex twice and ngl I wish Hoseok's dick was that lo-

Jimin was cut off by screams, squeals, numerous high pitched "I love you oppa" yells. The shorter sighed and Jungkook looked confused as he turned back to peak on the crowd.

"Speaking of the devil" Jimin said and then the world turned slowmo to Jungkook.

Taehyung was wearing a tank top, some basketball shorts, the sweat that stained his shirt outlined his soft abs, his biceps out and his face holy fucking fuckidity fuck.

He was so good looking, he was hot, he was literally on fire. He looked like a sin, that wouldn't feel guilty if you committed it.

Everything was back to normal just as Taehyung was only a feet apart from Jungkook. "Hi, Kookie"

Jungkook blushed hardly, not minding the weird stares the girl trainees were giving them.

"Should I help you with these?" He said and picked a carton up, his muscles flexing making Jungkook's jaw invisibly drop.

"Um yeah, sure I'll carry my bags" Jungkook tried to talk properly. "Oh I see you've met Jimin" He said.

Jungkook nodded and waved goodbye to Jimin as he and Taehyung walked to the elevator.

Taehyung winked at Jimin and Jimin rolled his eyes. "FUCK HIM BEFORE I DO" Jimin mouthed and Taehyung glared. "HANDS OFF MY PROPERTY PARK!" He yelled before Jungkook told him something so he snapped his head and  paid attention.

"Not sexually attracted my ass" Jimin said and had to laugh.

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