Back to school.

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1st of September 2014. Back to school again. Nothing has changed from the first day of school last year. Same faces. Same teachers. And same old lame school. Except, this was my last school year.

I stood in the line of my class and there I found Chris standing in the line right next to mine.

Looking at him I felt pain in my chest, I didn't know what that was but I just did. He didn't notice me or say hi, but how would he? He's popular and he is probably busy with everything.

The first day of school passed by, and so it was the second day.

Back in summer I tried to make Chris hate me by being the most horrible person he met, but he was still there for me when I needed someone, and he never pushed me away or told me he had no time for me.

At the end of the day I saw Chris, he came towards me and shook my hand. What a hand shake, I thought. The feeling of his hand made my heart beat like a Skrillex song. And at that exact moment I knew I had to tell him my feelings.

It was 3rd of September again, this day only brought me back the memory when I first met him.

That day at night Chris texted me, he was looking for a nice song to listen to, I sent him a love song that talks about missing you're ex, and how you still love them. Dear darlin. That was the name of it. He sent me a song too which had lyrics about how the girl in the song left a big gape in the boy's heart. I have to say, that song made me feel a little bit more comfortable about telling him how I felt about him, but I needed a way to tell him.

I could only think of writing a story about a girl called Chloe and a guy called Kyle, telling him how they fell for each other and then broke up because of circumstances.

I reached a part where I said Kyle was over Chloe, and so Chris asked are you sure he is over her? I replied with I guess. Then he said that Chloe should ask Kyle because he was pretty sure Kyle never got over Chloe, so I told him I'll let Chloe know. We talked about it for long, I told him how Chloe felt towards Kyle, how much she loved him and how painful it was to see him with someone else. He said Kyle sure felt jealous when Chloe had gotten a new boyfriend. He asked when I was going to let Chloe tell Kyle she still loves him, because he wanted to tell Kyle as well.

Is it just me or are we getting back together? Asked Chris.

I suppose we are... I replied.

Hahaha . I love you, never stopped

I love you too Chris, always had, always will.

And that was the day me and him got back together. That was the day I got back to being the happiest girl on earth, because I was back with my first and true love.

I can never forget the 3rd of September, first, it is the day I first met the guy I crazily fell in love with. Second, it was the day our fairytale had a new happy ending, or beginning I shall say.

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