Chapter 12 Just do it already!

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Authors note: good morning and happy Dadvid. This is the final chapter of my story and I can't wait to hear your thoughts on it. I hope you enjoyed this crazy story, and it was a lot of fun writing it. As planned throughout the entirety of this series, Max finally asks David to adopt him. I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it, and also for you people who've been skipping around, I see you. Chapter eight has nine views, while chapter nine has nineteen. yall need to go back and read what you missed, cuz you missing out. also, Grammarly fucked up again so sorry if anything looks wrong. 

Weeks ago

Max woke up suddenly when his side began to burn in agony. It was like something was stabbing his insides. He suddenly felt the overwhelming urge to vomit and quickly ran outside his tent to the nearest tree and let loose his entire dinner. He leaned against the tree as he tried to regain his composure. He walked back over to his tent as he figured he got everything out of his stomach.

The last thing Max wanted was for people to spend the whole day pretending they give a shit. His parents never did, not the last few times he got sick like this. They didn't care when he got whooping cough because they refused to spend money vaccinations, and they didn't care when he broke his foot either. He wasn't going to bother anyone if that's all they cared about.


Max helped David unpack the camp mobile and set everything out. It was only a few hours until sunset, so they didn't have much time to set things up, but David was really fast at doing it.

"Let me do that!" Max said as he decided he was going to have to insist on doing some stuff. David was a total master of camping, so he already had the tent set up before Max could even show off all that shit he memorized to impress David.

"You don't have to Max....." David tried to say as he was about to start the fire. He sent Max away to gather firewood and now he was trying to start the fire.

"Yes, I do!" Max snapped annoyed. "I only brought you out here so I could show off all the shit I learned during camp, but you keep doing everything first!"

"Oh, okay, why don't you give it a try?" David said confused. Max never wanted to impress him, If anything it was Max's mission to crush his hopes and dreams. Why would he be trying to impress him now of all times? Max grabbed the flint and steel and went to work on the kindling. He'd been practicing for weeks to get it right the first time, so getting the fire started was actually really easy.

"Great job Max!" David said.

"I can also start a fire with two sticks and rock," Max said as he tried to impress David. "It's actually really easy if you know how to do it."

"Good for you!" David said happily. "Why don't I quiz you on all the other things you're supposed to do when you go camping?"

"That sounds less annoying then It normally would be," Max said.

Weeks ago

Max groaned as he saw today's activity. It was a large trapeze setup meant for circus acts or some shit. His stomach still hurt and his nausea hadn't gotten any better. He wondered if he could tell David he was sick and get out of it. He wouldn't be lying after all, and he was pretty sure he was running a fever. His lower right side was really hurting badly now, with every move it feels like he's being stabbed.

"Are you alright?" Neil asked. He'd noticed Max wince just from taking a few steps.

"I'm fine Neil, I just think I'm gonna.....I'm gonna get out of this activity today," Max said as he almost threw up again. He wasn't even hungry this morning, so he wasn't really sure what he was throwing up. "I'm gonna tell David I'm sick."

Adopt me, you son of a b*tch! (Dadvid)Where stories live. Discover now