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Jay walked into the house after a long day at work. All he wanted to do was to eat, take a shower then go straight to bed. He walked more into the house and as he got closer to the lounge, he could hear the sound of the TV. From behind, he could see the silhouette of his wife which was highlighted by the sharp glare emanating from just the TV as all the lights were off.

"Hey baby," he said to her and she glanced at him for a moment before looking away back to the movie she was watching. Jay was taken aback by her rudeness. "Hello Stephanie," He said and waited for a response. "Hi," she said her words laced with bitterness as her brown orbs stayed focused on the screen. "Your food is in the oven if you're hungry," she said.

"Why are you not looking at me?" He asked as he stood in front of her, blocking her view to the TV. Groaning in annoyance, she got up and moved to a different couch to get away from her husband and to be able to return her focus to the movie. "The fuck is wrong with you? Why do you have an attitude for no reason?"

"No reason huh? This week alone you have cancelled on me 3 times. I thought maybe tonight you would've made an exception, you know sacrificed to spend some time together," she said as she looked him in the face. He turned the lights on because being in the dark like that was pissing him off.

"You know I have to work. Things have been really busy at the office for the past few months. It's not like I bailed without telling you." Her head whipped in his direction. He had genuinely forgotten that today was their 5 year anniversary since getting married. Every other year he'd made a massive deal about it but this year, she was the one who suggested going to dinner as the date was getting closer and he hadn't planned anything. She thought that would've reminded him but it hadn't.

"What's the date today?" She asked calmly and he checked his phone with a frown on his face. His face softened when he noticed. 16 August. "Exactly. You forgot about our anniversary and you come in here, guns blazing talking about my fucking attitude." Tears rolled down her brown cheeks. He moved closer to her slowly as she stood with her back against the wall, arms crossed against her chest with tears still pouring out of her eyes.

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