Chapter 5: Full

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Lionblaze sat there in the clearing staring at his kits, the clan was at it's peak the nursery was full Dovewing had her kits the same day Cindeheart had hers, and Squirrelflight was expecting her kits. Soon his kits will be made apprentices, moon's have passed and it's almost leaf-fall, and Bramblestar has already lost a life.

"Lionblaze organize the patrols"

"Alright Bramblestar. "

Ever since Squirrelflight was moved to the nursery , Lionblaze has taken her place a deputy.

"Birchfall I need you to go on border patrol on the Shadowclan border take Foxleap, Bumblestripe , and Ivypool."

"Sandstorm take another patrol to Windclan border take Dustpelt, Blossomfall,and Rosepetal."

"And I'll lead a hunting patrol Icecloud, Cloudtail, and Toadstep come with me"

With those words Sandstorm gathered her patrol and padded out of camp with Birchfalls patrol right behind hers. Lionblaze looked around to make sure that his patrol was with him and left camp.

"We are hunting in pairs Icecloud go with Cloudtail, and I'll go with Toadstep."

The cats nodded and got into hunting pairs Cloudtail and Icecloud headed towards Windclan and Lionblaze headed towards Shadowclan with Toadstep.

Lionblaze sniffed the air and caught a scent it was a Squirrel, with a flick of his tail he sent Toadstep to position himself behind a huge oak tree.

He got into his hunters crouch and headed towards the squirrel stalking through the brambles and suddenly he heard a crunch the squirrel bounded away straight towards Toadstep and he killed it within swift bite.

"Nice catch "

"Thanks Lionblaze."

"Let's split up we can catch more prey that way." Toadstep nodded a walked away through the bramble bush.

Lionblaze patrol got back with a good amount of prey he caught a vole, a mouse and a Squirrel he dropped his kill in the fresh kill-pile and padded of to see Cinderheart.

Cinderheart was in the clearing watching the kits play.

"Hi Cinderheart weres Dovewing?"

"She went hunting I'm watching the kits for her."she said with a mrrw of amusement in her voice

"Hollykit you and Stripekit are Darkforest warriors and me Silverkit, and Graykit are Thunderclan warriors! "meowed Firekit

"Tommorow they will all become apprentices."said Cinderheart proudly

"I know and you and Dovewing can go back to your warrior duties!"

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