Chapter 13: Two in One

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Lionstar sat beneath the highledge with his tail curled neatly over his paws he looked up and six cats padded towards him three warriors and three apprentices.

"Hello Lionstar, I'm Sparrowpelt this is my apprentice Forestpaw, that is Bouncefoot "he said pointing to a Ginger tom

"And his apprentice Streampaw, and last is Fishtail and his apprentice Palepaw."

"Nice to meet you, Silverpaw come here!"Silverpaw turned around and padded towards Lionstar

"This is my apprentice Silverpaw, we are going to go training with these cats." He said flicking his tail leaving camp.

His patrol made their way to a clear part In the territory and stopped.

"Alright then let's see you fighting skills."he meowed

"Silverpaw and Forestpaw fight with seathed claws."Forestpaw nodded and leaped at Silverpaw, she dodged his attack and used her tail to make him loose his balance, Forestpaw fell face first into the going and got up leaping again towards Silverpaw she dodged his attack and then she ran towards Forestpaw jumping from root to root not touching the ground, she leaped on the Tom's back and jumped off, Silverpaw sat down and curled her tail, Forestpaw was about to jump but then

"This battle is over Forestpaw,Silverpaw has won."said Lionstar to the young apprentice

"No you're just saying that because she's your apprentice she's your apprentice."then Sparrowpelt interrupted the conversation

"No Forestpaw heard right if that would have of been a real battle you would be dead."he looked at Lionstar

"What did he do wrong?"

"Well you can't just throw yourself at your enemy that leaves you open for any attacks, you have to keep you body in the ground were you are nimble and swift in the air you can't do that so when you opponent leaps at you you can predict his next move,Sparrowpelt fight me." Silverpaw looked at him excitedly and Forestpaw whispered to her

"What's so exciting?"

"Lionstar is the best warrior in Thunderclan he never gets hurt."

Sparrowpelt nodded he flung himself at Lionstar and he dodged it Sparrowpelt fell onto the ground and his eyes got covered in mud Lionstar took that opportunity and started to climb a tree he reached the second branch and started leaping from branch to branch, confused Sparrowpelt looked everywhere and at that moment Lionstar leaped down of the tree and landed on the Tom's back he got of Sparrowpelt and sat down.

"See you also have to use the forest as you advantage." The cats nodded and started to practice battle moves. Thank you Firestar.

Lionstar padded into camp and heard two cats arguing.

"Whats going on here."asked Lionstar

"Well these Skyclan cats are taking up al the space in the warriors den." Growled Foxleap.

"Birchfall Hollypaw!"he screamed across the clearing they looked up padding towards him.

"Yes Lionstar?"

"Hollypaw go to the apprentice den and check if you have or need space."

She nodded and padded away

"Birchfall get some cats to expand the warriors den, I'll send a patrol to gather Brambles."he nodded and padded away

"Foxleap get Sharpclaw Rockfall and Icecloud and gather Brambles."he nodded and padded to the clearing with all the cats.

Liomblaze walked into the medicine cat den and heard Jayfeather talking to Echosong.

"Hello Jayfeather,Echosong. "

"Lionstar how are you."said Echosong kindly

"I'm great I was wondering if I could barrow your apprentice."

"Yes my pleasure, Sagewind Lionstar needs you."then a gray tabby she-cat walked out of the back of the store and nodded. Lionstar padded out of the den and noticed the apprentices talking in the clearing.

"Hollypaw, Firepaw, Silverpaw, Graypaw, Stripepaw come here please."the apprentices ran towards him with excited looks in their faces

"Hollypaw,Silverpaw, and Firepaw I need you to go hunting I trust you are

old enough to hunt alone in your own territory with out a warrior... Graypaw and Stripepaw take Sagewind and gather some moss we need more nests."

"But want to hunt."complained Graypaw

"Are you questioning my decisions."

"No Lionstar."

"Well off you go then."the apprentice padded away out of camp and Lionstar headed towards the nursery.

He walked in the nursery and noticed three kits playing in the nursery.

"Hey Millie is every thing good in here, enough space?"

"Yes Lionstar we have extra space in the back if you want to create extra nests for the mean time. "

"Thank you Millie we need that. "

"Oh I'm sorry I forgot Lionstar that over there is Cherrytail, and her kit Sandkit."she said pointing a a tortoiseshell she-cat with a Ginger color kit curled beside her

"And that over there is Foxdapple and her two kits Mapplekit and Badgerkit. "She said pointing at a russet colored tabby with a a brown kit next to a black and while kit.

"Well I'm glad that everything is fine here. "He said and padded out of the nursery.

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