Chapter 7: Sickness in Leaf-bare

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Jayfeather sat in his den counting herbs and Briarlight was sleeping kicking her paws she's having a nightmare, Jayfeather padded up to Briarlight and started to wake her up"Briarlight we have work to do wake up."

"A little longer Jayfeather"she meowed sleepily. He kept pawing her side until finally

"Alright I get it I'm awake ,What to you want me to do?"

"Organize the herbs in the back if the store and throw out any old ones."

Briarlight nodded and headed to the back of the store.

"Jayfeather!" He heard a voice in the entrance of his den Blossomfall.

"What do you- "

"Bramblestar is sick!"

"It's not leaf-fall how! "He asked frantically

"I don't know he called me up to his den and then he started coughing really bad and collapse!"

This was No time to speak he ran out of his den and to the leaders den,on his way there he caused slot of commotion.

He walked in the den and noticed Bramblestar on the floor his paws shaking.

"Did anyone noticed What he ate today, or What he did?" He asked hesitantly

"I did" Graystripe

"Well then spit it out."

"A mouse...he ate a mouse, this morning before the hunting patrol got back he got a mouse from the bottom of the fresh kill-pile. It looked old almost rotten but he still ate it. "It a cough but his paws are shaking

"All I can do for the moment is give him catmint and a poppyseed to calm his nerves,but tonight it's a half moon I'll go to the Moonpool with the other medicine cats and I'll ask Starclan for answers."

"Thank you Jayfeather." Said Bramblestar weakly.

The moon was rising and Jayfeather was getting ready to leave when suddenly

"What if Bramblestar gets worse?"

"It OK Blossomfall I left Briarlight in charge of the store she knows all the herbs." She nodded a walked away.

Jayfeather set out of camp through Thunderclan territory and arrived at the Windclan border.

"Hello Jayfeather. "

"Hello Krestrelflight, Mothwing, Willowshine, where's Littlecloud?"

"Here! " he was panting heavily

"I thought I was going to get here late!"

"Well then everyone is here let's go. "

Meowed Mothwing.

The cats arrived at the Moonpool and sat at the edge, Jayfeather was eager for answers so he laid down and touched his nose to Moonpool.

Suddenly he found himself in a forest Starclan hunting grounds he thought

"Jayfeather " a voice behind him called his name, he turned around to see

"Firestar!"the former Thunderclan leader was here in Starclan he gave a life to Bramblestar

"Hello Jayfeather o hope you're serving my clan well. "

"Of course I serve my clan with my life!"

"We don't have much time I must tell you about what's most important. "

"Firestar what's wrong with Bramblestar!"

"Yes that, many moons ago before Bluestar was leader a desiase broke out in Thunderclan we had a leader No one know about Smallstar he ate a bad mouse and in ten days he lost all his lives.... the desiase is contagious it almost wiped out all of Thunderclan you have to get Bramblestar out of camp as soon a s possible or there will be No Thunderclan."suddenly a small tortise-shell cat appeared behind Firestar

" All that Firestar has told you is true I am Smallstar,go back to your clan immediately ." Jayfeather nodded and started to run

"Jayfeather one last thing, if Squirrel leads the clan it will mean destruction."What does he me- Squirrleflight!

Suddenly Jayfeather noticed he was back in Moonpool the sun was rising and all the other medicine cats were a we awake Get Bramblestar out of camp as soon as possible.

Jayfeather ran away from the Moonpool their other medicine cats were to surprised to chase him, he ran as fast as he could until he reached the camp. Cats were just waking up they looked surprised to see him out of breath,he he had no time he ran to Bramblestar den and he said

"Squirrel will destroy the clan if she becomes leader that's the message Starclan gave me you must pick a new deputy." Tired but surprised he nodded and weakly got up and padded to the highledge. It was the first time since the sickness hit Bramblestar that he notices how weak and old he looked

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the highledge for s clan meeting." All the cats came out of their den and look up at Bramblestar surprised.

"Last night Jayfeather went to the Moonpool and Starclan gave him a sign Squirrelflight cannot be out deputy."murmurs of surprise could be heard from the cats below

" I say these words before Starclan so that they could accept my decision Lionblaze shall be the new deputy of Thunderclan!"yowels of excitement rose from the cats in the clearing. Jayfeather padded up to Bramblestar and whispered something to him.

"Cats of Thunderclan as you can see it is obvious that I'm sick with a highly contagious desiase,.so I must leave Thunderclan until I am better Birchfall and Blossomfall shall escort me to the abandoned twoleg nest I shall be there until I'm better." He finished and gathered Birchfall and Blossomfall and left camp.What Jayfeather didn't tell him is that this will be the last time he will ever see Thunderclan.

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