Chapter 16: Finaly Over

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"Is everyone ok!" Asked Dovewing looking around in the clearing, Lionblaze looked at her and padded up to her

"Anything serious?" He asked

"Not much every one has scratches ad claws marks and some bite marks, the worst one that I know of is Sparrowpelt he has a nasty Scratch mark in his shoulder." He nodded and then

"Dovewing and Sandstorm carry Sparrowpelt to camp the rest of us lets go." He padded with his patrol through the forest calmly.

Reaching camp he noticed Echosong and Jayfeather running around camp.

"Jayfeather who's has the worst injuries?" he turned around and ran to Lionstar

"Hazeltail is badly injured but she protected Squirrelflights kits!"

"She a great warrior treat her and get Echosong to treat Sparrowpelt he has a bad claw mark on his shoulder." he nodded and ran to the medicine cat den

Looking around he noticed Cinderheart looking around frantically

"Cinderheart !" Screamed Lionstar across the clearing, turning around purring Cinderheart ran to Lionstar and rubbed her muzzle against him

"I was so worried about you what happened?"

"Shadowclan fled the land is ours!" With a purr of satisfaction he looked around the clearing

"Where is Whitewings patrol?"

"That haven't gotten here yet." At that moment Whitewing walked in, her white pelt stained with red all over

"What happened?"

"We got there and the camp was in guarded and then we started the attack, cats kept showing up little by little and then Blackstar ran into camp he stacked our patrol but we managed to escape." Relived Lionstar looked around and padded towards the nursery.

"Hello Squirrelflight how are your kits?" He looked down and saw four little bundles of fur next to her

"They are doing great, I hope that Bramblestar sees them from Starclan." She said looking up

"Do they have any names?" He asked

"Yes this little kit with the golden pelt is Lightkit, the one with the grayish blue fur is Dewkit, the one with the brown pelt that looks like Bramblestar is Sunkit, and the one with the flame colored pelt is Flamekit!" She said with a small purr

"Well they are kits the clan is proud of." She nodded and padded away, suddenly Ivypool padded up to Lionstar with Foxleap right behind her

"Hello Lionstar."

"Ivypool what is it?"

"Well I was going toast you to move me into the nursery, I'm expecting kits with Foxleap!" Surprised he nodded

"Certainly go to the nursery, Foxpelt will help you settle in." She nodded but before she left she called Icecloud

"Hey Lionstar."

"Don't tell me.."

"Yup I'm also expecting kits Toadstep and I are so excited!"

"Alright go with Ivypool." Lionstar walked away and Jumped onto the highledge.

"Let all cat old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the highledge for a clan meeting!" He yowled, looking down he noticed injured cats walk to the highledge, he felt sad yet he was proud that his clan over came such a great obstacle

"Today... Thunderclan came out victorious in the battle!" Screams of excitement and agreement rose from the cats

"You have all fought bravely... I want to thank a special cat Hazeltail saved Squirrelflight and her kits in the battle today, she had four healthy kits and we have two more queens in the nursery, Ivypool, and Icecloud are expecting kits ." the cat looked at each other surprised

"Rosepetal I would like you to take over the apprenticeship of Firepaw I hope you pass down all you know." She nodded and touched noses with Firepaw.

"Dustpelt take Sharpclaw, Sparrowpelt,Rosepetal, Forestpaw, and Firepaw make sure that Shadowclan is gone!" He jumped of the highledge and headed to the fresh-kill pile.

The sun was setting and most cats were already in their dens, Lionstar laid down in his moss drifting off in his sleep. He woke up In a forest trees covered the sky towering over Lionstar

"Welcome Lionstar." He heard a voice that sounded familiar, up ahead thee was a fog and he noticed a dark outline of a cat, getting closer and closer he saw a flame colored pelt.

" Firestar!" he exclaimed happily

"It's been a while young one, I brought some one here do see you." A cat padded next to Firestar

"Bramblestar" he dipped his head at his former leader

"It's been a while Lionstar." he said kindly, his kind expression suddenly turned stern

"We have to tell you something, news from Starclan." began Firestar

"When fire dies down and darkness takes over only light can save the clan."

"Light Firestar what do you mean?"

"I'm sorry Lionstar but that is all Starclan can tell you." With those final word the two cats fadded away, and Lionstar was left alone thinking about Firestars prophecy.

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