12- Betrayal

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Turning the handle I stepped inside the room and four sets of eyes filled with different emotions stared at me.

One spoke jealously.

Another spoke fear.

Another spoke sadness.

And the last one spoke anger. Pure fiery anger. An anger that matched the colour of his red hair. An anger that locked eyes with my own and I felt my heart hit the ground.

Saeyoung's p.o.v

My hands balled into fists at my sides as I locked eyes with the figure that entered the room. I saw the colour leave his eyes as he realised who I was.

"Zen, is that you?!" Yoosung chirped up and went to go hug him. I grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back, "What are you doing? Let me go greet our friend"

"He's not our friend Yoosung, in fact part of me believe that our 'friend' over here is the reason U/N is in the hospital in the first place!" The words tumbled out of my throat in a fiery rage. He caused her so much pain. So much god damn pain.

"U/N i-is Y/N..?" He spoke quietly and his words stumbled in what I could only imagine was fear.

Running over to him I balled his shirt in my hands and pushed him against the wall, Jaehee was yelling at me to stop but that was just background noise nothing was going to stop me from hurting this motherfucker.

"You think you're so cool huh?! Torturing girls in school who evidently have done nothing to you?! Do you find it fun to hurt women? Is that it?" I spat in his face, I could feel him shaking beneath my grasp. "Oh pray tell what your motivation is for doing this to someone!"

"Let him go 7, at least explain what's going on!" Jumin grabbed my shoulders and pulled me back. Hyun fell to the ground and tried to catch his breath.

"L-look I'm sorry! I didn't know it was U/N-" he choked out his words

"That doesn't make it any better! You shouldn't bully people full stop!" Jumin kept pulling me back and telling me to calm down but I was furious "She's suffering so much, because of you! She was your friend, but boy when she finds out who you really are you can kiss that goodbye!" This time I physically spat on him

"I'm sorry! What do you want from me!?"

Y/N's p.o.v

When I woke up I heard yelling and saw 5 figures present in my hospital room instead of 1. I groaned as I sat up in the bed.

"Saeyoung's..? What's going on? Who are all these people?" My eyes scanned the room and then I locked them with one person in particular "What is he doing here?!" Hyun was there and suddenly everything came back to me. Him punching me and kicking me while Echo egged him on and told him to keep doing it. Tears welled in my eyes.

"U/N?" A small blonde man questioned.

"H-how, w-what"

"It's- it's okay it's me Yoosung. I know this is a lot to take in with the state your in but that's Jumin and that's Jaehee and 'Saeyoung' is 7 and 'hyun' is Zen." He spoke softly to not startled me it worked slightly but not all that well.

"Hyun I-is Zen.." my heart sank further than it was previously. "B-but Hyun hates me and Zen doesn't... Zen is so funny and kind but Hyun is bitchy and narcissistic"

"It's true Y/N and my guess is that he's the reason your here isn't he" Saeyoung spoke, I could hear the anger rising in his tone.

"H-he is. I remember it so clearly now. I begged you to stop" the tears were falling faster now "Why didn't you stop..?"


But of a shorter update this time but Im happy to get something out at least! I hope you enjoy it and I'll try and get the next chapter out soon. 🥰💕

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