AU Headcanons

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Bruce started a twisted collection, objects he confiscated, trophies of who he fought.  Most of which were fixed up by Lucius.

Bruce has nightmares of the blood on his hands.

When he fought Jerome he nearly lost it tearing off the stitches holding his face

Considers himself as much of a monster of those he fights.... His worst fear is that he would destroy families.

Bruce purchased weapons to keep them out of the hands of criminals,  along with older ones. Training with them, keeping small arsenals in the manor, and other places. An odd, and lethal assortment he loans to friends to their surprise. 

Acts annoying overprotective but never crosses the line and acts possessive..

In the weeks after what he did to his parents killer he asked constant questions...

He caused damage to the Sirens Club..

Bruce has independent, more than slightly unethical plans.

Scares himself more than anyone in Gotham.

When he realizes someone refuses to be saved, that they're so far beyond redemption he will try and take the kill shot...

Often acts Nihilistic.

Loses control, but his idea of being merciless isnonlu toward criminals.  In way that horrify people who witness them making them run off.

When people recognize him as Bruce Wayne he has one threat.. That he is one of the richest men in Gotham, friend of the GCPD, is allowed to act for the law and partial executioner..

Thinks Barbara Keane is petty.

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