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It was official, Mariam hated her neighbor.

She would not - could not take another moment of listening to the blaring music that permeated the thin walls of the apartment. She had nearly snapped her pencil in aggravation because when a new song started, it scared her half to death with the aggressive, discordant sound.

Taking a deep breath, Mariam straightened herself in her seat. "Mariam," she coached herself. "All you have to do is ask - politely, for them to turn down the volume." It was such a manageable - simple - request, not at all meddlesome. However, it was easier said than done. She never truly had the courage to go next door and ask.

But her mind drifted and conjured up a thought that her neighbor - whoever he or she could be, was a murderer and had been waiting for the opportunity when she finally became fed up and went over to complain so it would be an easy kill.

It was just her nagging paranoia. If she dies, at least she won't have to have to live with all that racket.

With new conviction, Mariam decided that after the constant disruption of her peace, she might as well voice her complains to her neighbor, murderer or not. She walked out of her apartment and knocked on the door. She knew the soft rap of her knuckles against the wood was futile against the boisterous racket on the other side, so she waited until the sound ended.

It seemed like ages before the clamor or music dispersed and she finally knocked, again. There was the sound of footsteps from the other side and Mariam clenched her fist just in case she had to defend herself from an assault.

The door swung open and a young man, perhaps a head taller than her, and completely shirtless stood at the door way, brows furrowed as he regarded her with dark blue eyes. "What?" His voice was deep and he had messy blond hair.

"U-uh... I," she fumbled with her words and avoided his gaze. Strange tattoos began at the crook of his neck and trailed down both his arms, his chest and sides. Her eyes settled on his nipples. "Y-you-"

"Spit it out."

Taking a deep breath, she mustered up the courage and looked at him. "Can you please turn down your music!" It came out far too loud to her liking and hastily added, "please..."

He leaned against the door frame, folding his arms across his bare chest. "You're my neighbor, right?"

She nodded. "I... Uh, I h-have this-"

He sighed and waved his hand dismissively. "Fine."


He nodded and grabbed the doorknob. "Fine," he said and with that he closed the door. Mariam smiled to herself, feeling accomplished. See? It wasn't that hard. She made her way back to her apartment-

-only to find it locked. "Oh god, no." She whispered, attempting to open the door, restlessly twisting the knob, but it was fruitless. She pressed her forehead against the door and sighed miserably. Unfortunately for Mariam, her phone was right beside her keys on the kitchen table, therefore she could not call anyone.

Weighing her options and decided that bothering her neighbor was not one of them, she slid down the door and hugged her knees. Throwing her head back repeatedly against the door, Mariam cursed her luck. "Why me?" She groaned.

The landlord would not be back until come morning, she simple had to wait until eight tomorrow. However, recalling the time barely pushing nine o'clock pm made her stomach churn.

Resting her head on her knees, Mariam began to reflect on her neighbor. He had a ridiculous amount of tattoos, perhaps he was addicted to them? He was fairly attractive too, if she recalled, and his nipples didn't have hair on them - which... was something's she really shouldn't be thinking about!

Now that she thought about it, he was the only neighbor that she has met, well kind of. She never really left her apartment aside from work, grocery shopping, and school.

Then an icy chill blew in making her shiver. She rubbed her bare arms. She was only clad in a t-shirt and pajama pants and her feet were bare because she neglected to put on slippers before stepping out of her apartment. Wonderful. "Can't get much worse than this," she mumbled.

Suddenly her neighbor's door opened and he stepped out, fully dressed in a black hoodie and tight ripped jeans. Cobalt eyes fell on her as she curled herself against her door. He closed his door, his keys jingling.

Mariam shut her eyes and wished she could disappear. This is so embarrassing.

Then the weight of heavy fabric fell on her head and Mariam gasped in surprise.

For a moment she thought it was a trash bag and that he had mistaken her for the garbage can, until she felt the cotton fabric. Prying the material from her head, her eyes found her neighbor, already disappearing down the hall.

She glanced back at the hoodie in her hands. It smelled pleasant, in a boyish way despite the faint scent of smoke.

"That was kinda nice of him," she said and shrugged it on.

lol tattoo luke

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