Chapter 21 - Blood.

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He wants to be a vampire? A real vampire! And Myrddin was hanging out with these psychopaths! Rosemonde nearly lost consciousness. This was too much. How can she have a rational conversation with a man who wanted to drink blood? Her blood! "I-I just got out of the hospital. I'm still weak. I was concussed. Please, may-I-may-I have some water?"

"She took you from the hospital? The bitch! That's low, even for Zoiia."

"I don't understand. Why would you care about that, when you are going to hurt me?"

"It is cruel. She should have waited."

Yes, Zoiia is certainly cruel, but you want to drink my blood while I'm chained to a wall naked, so what does that make you? Rosemonde wanted to scream and rant at him, but she simply didn't have the energy. She was now having difficulty standing and was sure that were it not for the chains that bound her, she would be collapsed in a heap on the cold floor. Her head felt as though it were stuffed with cotton wool. Her hearing was muffled and her vision was beginning to blur.

"Besides," Paul continued, "I need you to be strong, healthy. Otherwise, you are of no use to me. Here, let me unlock your chains."

Rosemonde knew that this was not freedom. She was too weak to run, too weak to struggle. If he gave her water, fed her, clothed her — it was only so that she would be strong enough to withstand what was to come. What was the point? Paul released her hands and then her feet. No one was coming for her because no one knew where she was...

Wait! She didn't sign the discharge forms at the hospital. They had a duty of care, so maybe... Could there be some hope?

Maybe they are looking for me. I hope they find me soon. I'm so tired....but I...have to...stay awake... Must...find fight...get away...from Paul...but...I'm tired...

Rosemonde was vaguely aware of Paul calling her name, before she gave in to the darkness, and sunk to the floor.

Paul left her lying there for the moment. There were no windows in Zoiia's basement. It had to be completely soundproof, for obvious reasons. However, there were surveillance cameras placed all around the house. Zoiia could see what was going on in the world outside, from practically every angle. Using the remote, Paul switched from screen to screen and began to examine the area around the house to determine the most discreet way to exit, with an unconscious woman in tow.

There was some sort of traffic incident outside the front entrance. He could see an ambulance and several police cars. He frowned. Something big was going down, and it was happening right outside the door. He checked the news headlines on his phone.

Paul watched the raven attack footage. SHIT! Why is it attacking her? Is it Azazael's doing? Has she fallen out of favour? Am I next? Who is that raven, really? Who would want to hurt Zoiia?

"Myrddin!" he said aloud.

He was trapped. The police were probably watching the house. Azazael would not be pleased.

If that really was Myrddin, then he was the most powerful High Priest he had ever known and Paul was...nothing. He could hold no priesthood if Myrddin still lived.

Even though Myrddin had been labelled a traitor, might was right. There would be a duel for the right to hold the office. Myrddin had more powerful magic. Paul would not survive.

Who will come inside? The Children? Myrddin? The authorities must know by now that this is her house. How long before they can legally enter? I'm so close to fulfilment. Damn it! No one is going to take this away from me.

Paul switched on all the lights and scrutinised Zoiia's basement temple. She had a vast library. Becoming a vampire was supposed to involve a series of steps and rituals, but surely there was a spell in here somewhere, that would bypass the need for all of that.

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