Chapter 58 - Darkest Dawn.

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When Christian returned, a couple of hours later, he found Ylva deep in conversation with the Chief. "Oh, I do beg your pardon. I'll come back?" he apologised.

Gerald Dougherty waved off Christian's hesitancy. He beckoned him into his office, and organised another chair.

"Berg, I know that you are contemplating leaving us and that you should be on leave, right now... I'm going to give it to you straight. I don't want you to go. I need you, Berg. You're one of my best. I know you've had difficulty with some of my recent decisions, and...with Detective Craig-"

"Sir, perhaps this would be best discussed at another time." Christian gave his boss a meaningful look, and glanced briefly at Ylva. Concealing that they'd ever met, he said, "My apologies again, Ms, er-"

"Lund," she replied, extending her hand for Christian to take.

"Actually, this directly concerns Ylva," the Chief Inspector said. She has just transferred to our unit and comes highly recommend. If you stay on with us, she will be your new partner."

"And Andrea? What happens after the investigation?"

The Chief nodded at Ylva. She turned to directly face Christian.

"Samuel Anguis was found dead in his hotel room in the early hours of this morning. It appears to be as a result of a cocaine overdose."

"Wow! Okay. What has that got to do with Detective Craig?" Christian asked.

Ylva shook her head sadly. If Christian was reading her correctly, she was trying to ready him, for what she was about to say. He could sense that it was something terrible. He was right. He watched Ylva's lips move, but he could not believe what they were saying.

"Andrea Craig was seen leaving the same hotel with Charles Du Malum at around one, this morning. Still with Du Malum, she visited the woman who found Rosemonde Durand, a lady by the name of Evangeline Lesage, between 3.00 am and 4.00 am.

"She was arrested alone, a few hours later, for dangerous driving. There was cocaine in her system and a further gram was found in the heel of one of her boots. Andrea Craig will never work in law enforcement again."

Christian took a little while to respond. He was in shock. "We, had our differences, sure. We fought constantly, but this — this can't be true!" He began. "No, this is some sort of set up." He looked at the Warrior, pleadingly. He was shattered when she shook her head, again. "But...wasn't she DEA, before joining our team?"

"Yes, and that's why I know this is true, Chris." Gerald shifted uncomfortably in his chair. "There were always rumours but I didn't look into them. I told myself it was sour grapes. People were jealous of her ambition, her success. Now... I'm so sorry, Chris. You once accused me of not paying attention, of not listening to my team. You were right. This was going on right under my nose and I was oblivious to it. I should have been aware. I should have been able to help her, before she got to the stage where getting her next hit, was more important to her than ensuring murderers are kept off the street...

"Moving forward, I want to be a better boss. I promise you now, I will listen, if either of you come to me with concerns about your colleagues. Just, please, give us another chance, Chris. Please stay on the force. We need men like you."

"I need to see the Durand case through," Christian replied.

"Thank you, I-"

"Please sir, let me finish," Christian held up a hand. If he didn't get this out now, he would back down, give in. He wouldn't let that happen again; not now that he had Gianna back... "I will see the Durand case through to the end, but after that, I can't make any promises."

"That's enough for now. Thank you, Berg. When can we expect you back?"

Christian's response was interrupted by a knock on the Chief's door.

"Yes, what is it?" Gerald practically barked at the timid young constable.

"Rosemonde Durand is awake, sir. Her psychiatrist says that he will allow her to be questioned, once they have performed all the routine tests. The hospital should be ready to accommodate us sometime after lunch."

Christian looked at the Chief. "Tell the good doctor, that Detectives Berg and Lund will be there..."

Later, when they were both in the car on their way to the hospital, Christian asked the Councillor, "If that was a victory for us, why does it feel so painful, Ylva?"

"Andrea made some really stupid choices, Christian. None of that is your fault. She alone will need to face the consequences of those choices. That may not be a bad thing at all. In the words of Thomas Fuller: "It is always darkest just before the day dawns."

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