Chapter 8 - "Some Girl..."

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Author's Note: Dedicated to @donnaf1828 for her incredible patience with helping me edit. It was her suggestion, that this portion deserved its own chapter.

In Australia, more than 35,000 people are reported missing each year. Twenty-four hours after failing to show up for work, Summer Jones became one of the statistics.

Rosemonde didn't know how she'd coped over the last week. She had called Summer's family. She had called Summer's boss. She told the police all she knew. One of the things they had asked her was if Summer had used drugs? Rosemonde hadn't thought so, but in view of the voice message that Summer had left, she now thought it was a possibility. It was easier for her to believe that her housemate may have experimented with drugs than to accept Mairead Wilson's theory, which she and the Wilsons had refrained from sharing with the police. It was not as if they had anything concrete, they could tell them anyway.... Mairead was convinced that Summer was already dead. She dared not say this to Rosemonde.

The police had interviewed Con, but as there was no real evidence that he was involved in Summer's disappearance, they'd let him go. Rosemonde had also tracked him down. She knew that Max and Myrddin were friends of his. When she couldn't get a hold of Myrddin, she'd asked Max if he would come with her to see Con. It was a pointless exercise that only served to anger her. Rosemonde could not believe his attitude.

"Hey, I'm not responsible for some girl that I had a one-night stand with!"

"Some girl? SOME GIRL? That girl, my friend Summer, is missing. And you were the last person to see her, you prick!"

Max had to practically sit on Rosemonde, to stop her from scratching Con's eyes out. "Easy-easy Ros, you need to calm down." To Con, he said, "The girl is missing mate. What is wrong with you? Show some respect. She's someone's daughter, someone's sister. Why are you behaving like a complete jerk? I wouldn't have thought you'd be so insensitive?"

"Look I'm sorry, but what can I do? This is stressing me out too. She came here willingly, we had sex, and then she was gone. That's all I know! That's what I told the police and it is all I can tell you. I think you should leave now."

"Fine! We'll go." Max had to drag Rosemonde away to stop her from assaulting Con. He too, was a little disturbed by Con's apparent lack of concern, for Summer's welfare. The drive back to her house was tense and Max didn't know what to say to make Rosemonde feel better. "Maybe he hasn't really accepted that she could be in danger. Maybe he's acting all indifferent because he's in a state of shock himself," Max said.

"Yeah, maybe...." Rosemonde replied. Or maybe he's a complete psychopath who can't empathise with anyone... Maybe he killed her... No! She's alive. She must be.

Ursula was there to greet them when they arrived. She enveloped Rosemonde in a deep embrace. This was enough to break Rosemonde's resolve. She had been strong all week but now she succumbed to her emotions. She sobbed and sobbed until completely exhausted she'd gone off to her bedroom to sleep. Ursula was upset on her behalf. "Where is Myrddin in all of this? I thought he was interested in her. She is all alone and he has not called her once!"

Max sighed, "Well, they're not actually together or anything-"

"Oh, don't give me that!" Ursula brushed a loose strand of blonde hair from her eyes and continued her tirade. "You saw the way he looks at Rosemonde! The least he could do is call and see how she's doing. The only people besides us who seem to care about her, are her boss, and her boss's son. Drew Wilson has called her every day this week."

"Drew Wilson, from Sign Ahead?"

"The same. He is lovely. He doesn't seem to be affected by fame at all. He hardly knows Ros' and yet he is genuinely concerned for her well-being. Myrddin hasn't managed one call since Summer went missing!"

She had hardly finished speaking when the doorbell chimed. Max went to answer it. It was Myrddin.

"Speak of the devil and hear the beat of his wings." Ursula was not happy with Myrddin. She gave him a sour look, before taking in his dishevelled state. His face was gaunt and he looked as though he hadn't slept in a long time. She was taken aback. "I was going to have a go at you for not being here for Ros', but you look like shit!" she said.

"I love you too, Ursula." Myrddin grinned but offered no explanation for his appearance.

"You alright Myr?" Max was concerned. The last time he had seen his friend in this state was after his uncle had died — apparently, they'd been close...

"What? Yes of course I am. Just checking on Rosie."

"Well about ti-" Max gave Ursula a look that made her stop talking."

"About that," Max continued, "She's asleep so maybe-"

"No, no. I'm here." Rosemonde entered the lounge room, where the friends had gathered, her face puffy and her eyes red. She looked almost as bad as Myrddin did.

"I know this is hard for you Rosie," Myrddin said, "But there's little we can do but wait it out. From what I've seen in the papers and heard on the news, Summer's family are handling the media. It's not your responsibility. I know she's your friend and that you're worried about her, but you can't let this destroy your health. It won't help get her back. You have to continue to live your life."

She wanted to lash out, rage, scream; but she didn't. She knew he was right. She nodded meekly.

"You need a break," Myrddin suggested. "Why don't we go out for dinner, the four of us?"

Max and Ursula thought it was a good idea. They all needed to eat, and they wanted to help Rosemonde think of other things. "And don't forget," Myrddin continued, "My sister's art show is next weekend. You said you'd come."

That earned him a smile from Ursula.

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