Courage of the Lion

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It was a Monday, which means it's time for school! As much as Penn didn't want to go to school, he knew that he needed an education. Not to mention, he needed to keep an eye on his new enemy. So, he went.

Penn was walking through the halls and went to his locker to get his books for the day. All of a sudden, there was a yell. "Hey!" Penn turned around to see Diana walking to him, and she did not look happy at all. Penn smirked. "Hello Diana. Or should I say, Dorothy Gale." He said. "Huh. So, you already know." Dorothy said. Penn nodded. His smirk then faltered. "Look Dorothy. It doesn't have to end like this. We don't have to fight." Penn said.

"Oh. Well, you should've thought of that before killing the Tin Man and my dog!" Dorothy yelled. Penn looked around, thankful that no one else was there. "Dorothy, I had no choice. They were going to hurt innocent people. I had to stop them. Look, like I said, it doesn't have to end like this. Maybe we can-" "No! You kill someone I love, I'll do the same to your little girl toy." Dorothy said with a smirk. Penn looked at the Kansas girl in shock before it turned into anger. His hands clenched into fists. "You wouldn't fucking dare, Gale." He said in a dangerously low voice. "Oh, but I would." She said.

"Look Dorothy, you can do whatever you want, but hurt Sashi, and it will be the last thing you will do." Penn threatened. "Oh please, like you can do something." Dorothy scoffed. "Try me, you bitch." Penn said through gritted teeth. "With pleasure, Penn Zero. This means war." She said. "Agreed." He said. The bell rang. "I gotta go." Dorothy said. "Same. This Isn't over yet." Penn said. Dorothy nodded and walked away. "Oh. And by the way." She heard Penn say. Dorothy turned around and was met with Penn's fist on her cheek. The redhead smirked. "That's for the detention on Friday." He said and walked away.


Penn looked out the window of the classroom. It was the last class of the day. All Penn could think was about Dorothy and Oz. He just wanted to go an beat her ass, but he had to wait. This wasn't the right time. He just had to wait for the right moment. "Besides, I have three more left to kill before Dorothy. I'll be ready eventually." He thought. 'PENN!!' Nox's voice yelled in his mind, causing the redhead to jolt up a bit. 'What is it now?!' 'It's the lion! Here's Here in the gym! At least I think it's called the gym. It's the gym, right?' 'Yes. It is. Hang on, give me a minute to get out of class. Although...' 'Yes?' 'Can I bring Sashi with me?' 'What?!' 'Oh come on man, she can handle herself!' 'Okay fine, just be sure she is close to you the whole time.' 'Thanks. Give us a minute.'

Penn looked at his girlfriend, who was sitting right next to him. He leaned closer to her ear. "Cowardly Lion in the gym. We gotta go." He whispered. "We?" She whispered back. "I promised you that you could go. Just follow my lead." The redhead whispered. Sashi nodded. "May I go to the bathroom?" Sashi and Penn asked at the same time. "Sure. Go on." The teacher, who was reading a newspaper, said. The two teens walked out of the classroom and ran over to the gym. The reached the gym doors. "Ready?" Penn asked. Sashi nodded. "Let's crush some skulls!" She said. "I'll never get tired of that." Penn said with a smirk and opened the door.

Inside, the lion was in there with Nox, Lulu and Lang. "Wait. You're here to?" Penn asked Lang. "Figured you needed help." Lang said. The lion looked up and saw the couple. "Well, if it isn't Penn Zero and his little girlfriend." The lion said. "Geez. Nice meeting you too." Penn said sarcastically. "You know, I am rather hungry. I wouldn't mind some Japanese food." It said, eyeing Sashi. "Isn't rather dangerous to use one's vocabulary in a single sentence?" Sashi asked with a smirk. (Hope you get the reference!) "A snarky one, eh?" It asked. "If you want food, bud, then come and get it." Penn said. "Okay." It said and lunges at them.

Penn handed Sashi a blade. "You're gonna need this." He said. Sashi nodded. She plunged the blade on the lion's shoulder. It yelped in pain. "Nice." Penn said. "Thanks." Sashi replied. "Sashi! Look out, you idiot!" Nox yelled. The couple turned around and saw the lion pouncing again. But it was too late. The lion pounced on Sashi. "Sash!" Penn said. The lion smirked and sniffed. "My. You smell wonderful. And so tasty." It said. Sashi's mind told her to move or say something, but she couldn't. She was too afraid. "You'll be a good lunch." It said. All of a sudden, the lion was pulled off of Sashi. She looked up to see that Penn had pulled of the lion. He could see the rage in his eyes. "Oh snap." Sashi said.

Penn glared at the lion. "How dare you." Penn said coldly. "You will pay!" He said, and tackled the lion to the ground. "The courage is in the tail!" Lang said. "Seriously?" Sashi asked. The Oz duo nodded. Penn had shot a bolt of lightning on it. He brought out a sword and drove it through. Blood came out. The tail wrapped itself around his arm. "Nice." He said. He then looked at the lion, who was cowering in fear. "Please don't kill me." Penn only said one thing.

"Run. Run away lion. An never come back." He said in a dark voice. The lion nodded and began running of. "You're letting him go away?!" Lulu asked. Penn said nothing but tilted his head to the right. The lion collapsed to the ground. "Now it's dead." Penn said. "Damn. You pulled an eleven on him." Sashi said in shock. "What?" Nox asked. "Long story. You guys okay?" He asked. They all nodded. "You two should go. We'll take care of the corpse." Land said. "Okay then. Let's go." Penn said.

He and Sashi ran to the classroom and entered like nothing happened. They were thankful that not everyone knew of their relationship. Eventually, class ended and the couple along with Boone left. "Woah. So all of that happened?" He asked. "Yep." Penn said, then looking at Sashi. "You gonna be okay?" He asked. She nodded. "Well, I have to go. Have to continue training. See ya." Penn said, waving his friend and girlfriend goodbye. Penn looked at his arm. The tail was still there. He was close.

"Two items down. One more to go."

The War for Oz( A Penn Zero Part Time Hero/ Dorothy Must Die crossover)Where stories live. Discover now