Overland Emma Part One

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{I don't know Jack's sisters real name, no one does really, I've stuck with Emma. I'm guessing when Jack died in ROTG, Emma was liek maybe 9, in my story idky but I wanna age her 14. okay that makes it 5 years since Jack's death. Anyone know anything tell me 😊}

The night was stormy, I couldn't see through the snow. Now I knew it was winter and all, but it had never been this bad.

If Jack was still here I mean he would protect me, I still see him but his hair is white. I then blink my eyes and forget about it, he's dead.

I get in the hut and slam the door and fall against it in exhaustion.

"Emma?" Mother calls from the cooking area.

"Yes?" I call back, it had been tiering carrying all the wood back from the woods, normally Jack would of been there. I shut my eyes for not long when she entered the main room.

"Are you alright? Thank you for collecting the wood." she gathered up the wood from beside me and walked back to cook. With that I stood and went into Jack and I's room. Of course it was just my room, but we'd always shared it because he was here first. I slump on his bed and roll in his sheets, they still smell of him, it's amazing really. I then transfer to my bed to nap for a while, before dinner.

Same Flash back

"It's okay, it's okay don't look down just look at me," he's crouched on the ice.

"Jack, I'm scared." I tremble, the ice cracking beneath my feet.

"I know, I know but you're gonna be alright, you're not gonna fall in, uh," he hesitates, "we're gonna have a little bit of fun instead" he's worried, but spoke true,

"No we're not," I whimpered.

"Would I trick you?"

"Yes! You always play tricks," he was the trickster of our area, making everyone's day fun.

"No, no, not-not this time, I promise I promise, not-not this time. You have to believe in me." I sigh, I always believe in my brother.

"You wanna play a game? We're gonna play hopscotch, like we do everyday. It's as easy as one," he messes around a little making my giggle, ignoring everything else. "Two, three. Alright , Now it's your turn." He crouches clasping a crooked staff. "One," I gasp as the ice cracks "that's it that's it," he whispers, "two," I gasp again, I'm gonna fall. "Three!" he lunges and spins me taking my place on the ice. We smile as I'm safe, he smirks like he always does laughing singley to himself in accomplishment. A massive crack can be heard

"Woah!" he falls in the hole.

"JACK!" I would of gone closer, but the ice was weak. My brother disappears before me.

I bolt upright, a tear escaping. It was all my fault, I was tugging him to go skating, he sacrificed himself for me. it was my fault. He should still be here, being a man, or young man, getting married and being my big brother.

It's my fault.

"Emma!" mother calls me for dinner.

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