Chapter 1: First Night - Lost Memories

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He didn't remember how he awoke in that apartment room, nor what in the hell he was.

He couldn't recall anything past waking up in that bedroom in a rundown apartment. It was bleak and colorless, gray walls staring all around him without anything to give the room a sense of feeling, a feeling of life that could make him feel comfortable. Though, to be honest, he was content with his living quarters.

The kitchen was small, but large enough for a person to eat and a fridge stocked with food. It held a variety of meat, though even at first glance one could see that it was no ordinary meat. The smell was practically begging him to eat it whole. He had only a light meal, but the red tang in his mouth remained even after he brushed his teeth.

He stared at his reflection in indifference. He had expected black hair, not white. He expected to look like hell, not healthy. He expected to have a gash in his body, not pale skin. He expected to have bloody and torn garments, not clean clothes. A simple black shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the forearms, and dark jeans with the belt hanging lazily off both sides. He noticed that his left eye was prominently different from his right, bearing a black sclera and red irises, while his right had brown irises and a normal white. Perhaps he had that medical condition involving one's eyes? Homochromatic or whatever it was called?

Oh well, not that it mattered to him.

It was while he explored more of his apartment that he realized that all he had, with the exception of food and clothes, was just his name. "Haise Sakaki", nothing more and nothing less. He even had a wallet with his ID, his name and date of birth, and even his occupation. A high school student attending Kuoh Academy, it seemed. Of course, he also some cash to spend, possibly enough to keep him fed for a while.

He tried searching for other clues in his head. He recalled a name, and with it, the face of a girl. Touka, a cute girl with dark blue hair, the bangs covering her right eye. Her left was, more or less, the same as his, but between the strands of her bangs, her right eye was the same.

He tried to remember more, but all he could recall was that girl, and a term. "Ghoul". He didn't know what the term meant, so he ignored it for now. He briefly glanced at the clock over by his bed, which he had yet to make. It was nearly time for him to go to school. He checked the closets, but he found no uniforms.

Oh well, not that it mattered to him. He preferred his usual clothes anyhow.

He slung his bag over his shoulder and locked the door behind him. The morning sky was azure with streaks of white, and the sun shining down upon him. People moved about, some looking ignorant and others happy and content. For a reason, no matter how he looked at them, they seemed to make his mouth water slightly.

He shook his head once he realized what he was thinking. Eating humans in broad daylight was a surefire way to get noticed. He ignored the feeling and made his way to school, ignoring a few of the looks people gave him when they saw his eye, which was covered up with an eye patch. He didn't want people freaking out over nothing.

He was close to strangling these idiots, he truly was.

No matter how far he went or where he hid, they always seemed to find him. Girls at this school were downright persistent, and it did not help matters that his appearance had attracted one of the school's "Two Great Onee-samas".

Rias Gremory irked him to no end, and he had no idea why. Perhaps it was the way she looked at him whenever they passed by each other at the hallways, offering him a kind smile in contrast to her cold blue eyes. Perhaps it was her figure, with the slender curves moving back and forth as she strut forward and ignoring the lustful looks from the boys, including those three perverts that seemed to earn looks of displeasure from every girl they came across. Perhaps it was her vibrant red hair, which made his heart stop for a moment, and his mouth water.

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