Chapter 7: Seventh Night - Food for Thought

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Haise wandered if he did anything in his past life to deserve this. Had he done something to piss someone off somewhere without realizing it? Had he crossed an old gypsy that cursed him? Either way, he must have done something, because right now, he was in deep shit.

It had only been a day, and yet now he had to deal with another Ghoul, and apparently, this one was not as weak as the last one. "You're gonna pay for killing my partner, you little shit!" the Ghoul snarled as his Rikaku shot forward. The white-haired Ghoul gave a 'hmph' as he leaped back, his hands in his pockets. The Ghoul apparently had some sort of connection to the first one, and learned that it was Haise that killed him, or rather, more accurately, cannibalized him.

The new Ghoul had ruggish black hair and scruffy mass of dark hair along the chin, wearing a worn jersey with a blue ascot around his neck, along with stained sweats and muddy boots. His Rikaku was similar to the appearance of an eel, a green color with thin red strips leading up to the tip. As it turned out, from what little he learned in his conversations, the Ghoul from the other day, and the Ghoul in front of him were partners... at least until Haise ate him.

"Stinking little punk..." the Ghoul growled, lowering himself as his Kagune lashed around, waiting to impale the white-haired teen. "You'll learn what real pain is!"

Is he a goddamn fucking moron? the Ghoul Kaneki, which Haise dubbed Shironeki because of the white hair, asked in amusement. We already learned what real pain was when Yamori 'played' around with us. Good times, right? Kaneki?

How can you consider those good times?! the rational, human Kaneki, justly named Kuroneki, said in exasperation. Haise was in complete agreement. He hadn't made his decision to accept one or the other yet, but he did learn a bit about his past from the two of them. He tore off our fingers and toes, and then fed them to us! And that's not even mentioning when he stuck a centipede in our ear before cramming it in our skull!

Haise blinked.

Well, that certainly explained why his ear would itch like mad every now and then. He just hoped it didn't lay any eggs in there. Plucking them out would be such a pain, and he was not a fan of opening up his skull just to get to a few wormy critters that were crawling around.

"Ah, if only Haise-kun was around back then..." Rize said as she kicked her legs in the air, sitting atop a fire escape and watching the fight from up there. "Perhaps the One-Eyed Centipede wouldn't have been needed then, ah?"

Oh shove off, witch... Shironeki grumbled before going silent.

Kaneki... Kuroneki sighed before he too fell quiet. Haise sighed quietly to himself. Honestly, he needed to get his head checked out one of these days. "Die!" the Ghoul finally attacked, leaping forward with his mouth open. Haise saw his strategy a mile away, just from the way his arms and legs were spaced out. He was going to wrap his legs around his waist, holding him the shoulders, and bite into his shoulder. The pain would cause him to lose focus, and allow his Kagune to impale him.

Crude, but effective...

...yet completely useless as well.

Haise smirked as he thrusted his arm out, his hand covering the Ghoul's face. Before he even had a chance to retaliate or do anything, the white-haired Ghoul put all of his strength into his arm, and tossed him like a baseball. The unnamed Ghoul went flying, slamming into a brick wall, and causing it to crack. Some of the bricks were even sent flying, straight into the air. "Huh." Haise noted dully. "Didn't think he'd go that hard."


...why did he get the feeling that just sounded so wrong right now? 'I should be glad Himejima isn't here.' he thought, shuddering from what Akeno would do if she ever heard it.

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