Chapter 12: Daybreak - :re

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It was another boring day.

The month had been rather slow going, but in Touka Kirishima's opinion, those were the best days. The cafe shop, :re, had been quite the hangout for brats from Kuoh Academy, most of the customers mainly boys. In many ways, :re was a lot like Anteiku back in Tokyo, functioning as a sort of safe haven for Ghouls who couldn't hunt for themselves, and where they could learn more about human society, as to try and co-exist with them.

Yoshimura would have been pleased if he had been here.

Sighing, Touka shook her head as she tied the apron around her back and took out a notepad and pen. "I hope I don't have to deal with those perverts from yesterday..." she muttered, thinking of a group of boys that, according to the female students she talked to, as per accordance of the job, were known as the Perverted Trio, and for good reason. They tried to peep into the girl's locker room, watch dirty movies, things that make a man's libido go skyrocket and rigid, the same old thing.

Shame that Touka had the perfect solution for people like that: kick them straight in the balls and make sure they never have kids again. It was a simple method, but hey, it works. She had done that to a couple of molesters, perverted old men, and sexually deprived idiotic men.

"Ne, Touka-chan!" Said Ghoul looked to her side and smiled as her friend, Yoriko, waved at her from one of the nearby tables at the door. "Can I get on expresso?"

"Yeah, sure!" she called back, jotting it down and moving into the cafe area. Today only had a mile income of people, mostly students getting out from school and hanging out to have a good time. She used to be able to do that, back when she and Yoriko were still students, but things had changed in the past year.

The reason they had come to Kuoh was because of a rumor about a One-Eyed Ghoul was working with CCG. Now, there were several possibilities, almost as many as there were questions, and among them was the one she was hoping it to be. From what they understood, this Ghoul had a Kakugan in the left eye, and had white hair.

She knew of only one Ghoul that fit that description.

However, it would not be as easy as she thought it would have been to find this Ghoul. Apparently, Tsukiyama was also in the area, apparently at the behest of his servant Kanae to try and get over Kaneki's 'death'. When she first saw the man, she saw a slowly crumbling fool that was beginning to lose it. He had been a far-cry from the arrogant and pompous Gourmet she had met and fought with/against in the past.

However, in just a month, he had been revitalized. When he walked into :re, he had the largest smile on his face, so full of glee and joy that it almost seemed as if it had been permanently glued to his face, wearing that god-awful designers suit. He had even been carrying a bouqet he had bought from the flower shop not too far from here, a gift for Hinami.

Koma once joked that perhaps Tsukiyama was a lolicon, and promptly received a chop to the back of the head by Kaya.

She never knew why Tsukiyama seemed so excited, and to be honest, she really didn't have time to care.

Quickly shaking herself out of her thoughts, she went back to work, passing students by and taking their orders. She also listened for bits and pieces of their conversation, hoping to learn something. They may be students, but the intel network they have without even realizing it is just as effective as the housewife network, however THAT worked.

"Muu, I heard Sasaki-senpai transferred away to another school..."

Sasaki. That had been a name she heard about a lot from these girls. Apparently, he was nicknamed the "One-Eyed White Prince of Kuoh", though where the one-eye part came in, she had no idea.

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