Tell me you love me ~*~ a Javi Lopez One Shot

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Tell me you love me  ~*~ a Javi Lopez One Shot

            "Admit it, you love me." Javi Lopez said. He just arrived from practive. He had pulled me in his arms and was kissing my cheek. This had turned into our routine.

            "I don't." I replied trying to pull away from his grip. "I'm only here because I like beating you in FIFA." I said with a laugh and he was just serious. 

            "Fine, if you say so. If I win you have to admit you love Espanyol and me." he said with a devilish grin.  

            "Fine, when I win you'll have to admit Barcelona is the best team in the world and that you love them more than your stupid Real Madrid." I said with a smile and he just glared at me. He hated when I mentioned Real Madrid to him. I always had something bad to say about Real Madrid and it ended up with us fighting. 

            "You're so on." He said letting go fo me. 

            He turned on the PS3 and passed me a remote. I picked FC Bacelona like I always did and he chose Real Madrid. I think that is one of the things I liked most about Javi, knowing he'll always be the same. I looked at him and his dark brown hair and brown eyes and smiled. The game started with me scoring with Lionel Messi. I gave him a huge grin and he just glared at me. The match continued with him pretty much tackling every single one of my players. It was all fun and games until he injured David Villa. Things got pretty serious, I switched Villa for Ibrahim Afellay and he scored right after that with Callejon, one of his old teammates.  

            I had to win because I didn't want to say I loved Espanyol because I hated them, but I also didn't want to admit I love pretty boy Javi Lopez. I found my way inside the box and scored with Cesc Fàbregas. I jumped out of the couch and started celebrating and without noticing Javi cheated and scored the equalizer. I was heated because it had been with Gonzalo Higuain. I now shifted in my chair because things were serious. I tackled Xabi Alonso and had the ball, passed the ball to Andres Iniesta who got closer to the box. Iniesta passes it to Leo who then shoot but Iker reflects it. The ball arrives to Afellay's feet and without me thinking about it too much I shoot and Ibi scored.  

            I decided not to celebrate because I didn't want Javi to take his opportunity to score again. It was the last 5 minutes and Javi kept tackling. I giggled when Pepe got a red card. He was pissed off, because I knew he didn't want to say those words. Just like that the game ended.  

            "and the winner is FC Barcelona" I said standing up and doings victory dance.   

            "I hate you." Javi said placing the controller on the table. The anger in his voice made me feel bad but he just turned away from me looking out the window.

            "You don't." I said now face to face with him. "You love me." I said looking into his brown eyes with a giggle.

            "I do." He said and then kissed me. I was taken so by surprise that I pushed him away. 

            "You. you." I couldn't say anything else. I touched my lips and just tried to tak in what just happened. "I hate you so much." I couldn't stop the tears, and I knew my words had hurt him. "I hate you and your stupid club." I started walking to the door and it was moments like these that I hated being his neighbor. I arrived to my apartment, closed the door and sat on the floor to cry.  

            I heard Javi's door open again and then a knock on my door. "Anna," he said. "please open the door," he kept knocking and knocking and I just wanted him to leave. I wanted him to not be a part of my life. I want to not love him. "I love you." He was still knocking.  

            I couldn't take it anymore because he kept knocking away in that stupid door. I sat up and opened the door. My eyes were probably red from all the crying but I just had to see his pretty face. He had that smile that makes me forgive him on his face and he said it. "FC Barcelona is the best team in the world" I smiled at the fact that he admited it. I was waiting for the next line. "and I love you more than I love Real Madrid." I couldn't speak. I looked into his brown eyes and was speechless. Those brown eyes that I just recently realized that I loved more than anything. He leaned in and kissed me. "I mean it Ana, I love you more than my football club." I started to giggle.  

            "I love you too pretty boy." I said and we kissed again.

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