the one where sean almost quits

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They say it's the worst feeling when you begin to hate the thing you love the most.

Sean agreed.

"You doing ok?" his mom asked, popping her head into the garage. "Yeah, I'm fine," he mumbled, not bothering to get up from where he'd been laying on the cold floor, thinking. "Just thinking."

"Didn't go well with Audrey?" Miya observed from her perch.

"No," he groaned. This was becoming an everyday routine. "Not really."

"I thought something was up," his mother said tiredly. "Since you didn't even come upstairs when Kaycee called."

"Kaycee called?" He sat up, the blood instantly going to his head, from all those hours on the floor. His mother raised her eyebrows. "She did. She wants to know why you haven't been coming to classes, Sean. You're gonna have to tell her eventually."

"Tell her what?" he muttered. "That I hate my partner, Mom? Kaycee doesn't care. She's got better things to worry about."

"She worries about you, Sean," his mother rolled her eyes. "Go give her a call back. Maybe she can help you figure things out about wanting to quit dance."

"No one can change my mind," he said firmly. "I'm quitting after this last video with Audrey."

Miya sighed. "Just call her, alright? It's not fair to leave your friends hanging like that. Especially Kaycee."


"Do you really think he's quitting, Mom?" Serris asked as they ate dinner for the fourth night sans Sean. Cheuk gave her a look. "He's still on this, Miya?"

"He'll be fine," she said firmly. "I believe in him. It's just creative block. All artists go through it."

"I've never seen him like this, though." Sarah said, worried for her brother. "He's just so closed off. And I feel like he just hates being around Audrey. When he and Kaycee did World of Dance, he wasn't like this."

"We all knew that couldn't last forever," Miya sighed, her head in her hands. "They agreed to only do it for the competition so it wouldn't hurt their friendship."

"I knew it," Cheuk frowned. "We should've kept him in school, Miya. This dance business is too risky, and he's too young."

"He hasn't talked to Kaycee yet," Miya sighed. "Just let him talk to her. If anyone can reach him, it's her."


"Sean?" Kaycee called, opening the garage door.

"Hey," he bolted to his feet, once again blinking rapidly to get rid of the head rush. "You got my text."

"Of course I did," she grinned. "What's so important you can't tell me in class tomorrow? If you actually go," she teased him. "I always save a spot for you, you know, even though Will yells at me."

"I'm not going to class tomorrow, Kayc," he said, the words backing up in his mouth, making him pull with all his might and reach down to shove them out in front of her. It was easy to say to his mom. It was easy to say to Will and Janelle. It was even easy to say to Audrey, his own partner, and she should've been the one it was the hardest to say it to. "In fact, I'm not going to class ever again."

"W-what do you mean?" Saying that her heart had dropped to her knees was an understatement. Her pulse quickened and her heart started beating so loudly she was surprised he couldn't hear it. She'd always loved him from afar, and yes, it had killed her when he'd asked Audrey to be his partner instead of her, but that was better than him not dancing at all.

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