the one with the one year celebration

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AN: possibly long and very disjointed and maybe terrible. idk. but i'm back :)



"No no, Jules, you don't understand," he shook his head, throwing up his hands. "This has to be perfect."

His best friend looked at him and raised his eyebrows. "It's not like she's gonna break up with you if there's 14 strawberries instead of 13, man. It's Kaycee. You guys have been together for a year."

"Which is why it has to be perfect," Sean lamented, shaking his head at his best friend's ignorance. "And it does have to be 13. It's her favorite number. And if I'm making her favorite dessert, damnit, it's gonna be perfect."

"Wonder if that'll be an interview question whenever you do one next," Bailey nudged him as she drizzled chocolate on the strawberries that Sean had spent an hour selecting from. "What's the dessert you'd make for your dream girl on a date?" 

"Chocolate covered strawberries?" Kenneth screeched in a high-pitched voice. "Why, I, I, I remember Kaycee liking the same thing!"

"Really?" Chloe got in on the act. "You know, I think you're right!"

"OH MY GOD!" Josh got up and jumped around excitedly. "SEAYCEE IS REAL!"

"Okay, okay," Sean's cheeks reddened as he shook his head. "That was once. And I don't think anyone noticed."

"Sean, honey," Tahani cackled from the table. "Everyone noticed."

"A lot of people like chicken and rice," Sean sighed. "It's not that uncommon."

"Yeah, but you like chicken and Rice," Tahani emphasized, waggling her eyebrows. "And don't deny, I heard what y'all did last weekend."

"The lake house? Nothing-happened," Sean flushed, looking down.

"Not even eye contact!" Chloe wiped her hands on her jeans. "You could've at least tried to look innocent."

"That's enough," Sean said, flustered. "I've gotta go get Kayc."

"Get em, tiger," Josh grinned. "Datin tings, GITTTTTTTTTTTTTT!" (AN: shoutout to that yearbook post, it made my life)

"Show that much energy when it's our one year," Tahani poked him jokingly. 

"Wish me luck," Sean said nervously as he tied his tie in the hall mirror. "I hope she'll like it."

"You brought the Cut dance to life, Seany Boy," Julian clapped him on his back. "I can't think of a better way for you guys to celebrate together."

"Let's hope she sees it that way," he fiddled with his jacket. "What if I screwed up? Oh God, I don't have a backup plan, I just-"

"Sean, shut up, take a breath, and get out the damn door before you keep Kaycee waiting," Tahani turned him around and steered him out the doorframe. "Go!" She shooed him, and his friends crowded the doorway to watch him get in the truck. 

"Do I look good?" he asked the group anxiously. 

"I can't comment," Julian said sarcastically, "But if I were Kaycee, I'd so kiss you right now," he grinned, and then he, Ken, and Josh dissolved into guffaws.

Sean rolled his eyes and pulled his truck door shut.


He carefully pulled into her driveway, got out, smoothed his dress pants down once before ringing the doorbell, and tried to settle his heart, which was beating out of control as he thought about her. He took a deep breath, and thought he caught a glimpse of her perfume. The door opened, the creak of the hinges gone as he'd fixed it for the Rices last Saturday, and there was...Kylie. 

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