I'll Be Good - McCree

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Warnings - Self-Harm, Self-Hatred, Swearing

Characters - Jesse McCree, Gabriel Reyes, Angela Ziegler

Pairing - McCree & Reyes (Could be seen as either Platonic or Pre-Slash)

Concepts - Lore Headcanons

Jesse thought it was his best option to join Overwatch, the way Commander Reyes made it sound. He had made it sound like it was an actually good idea.

"Do some good or go to jail." Yeah. He was beginning to regret his decision now.

At the moment the cowboy was sitting on a cott, waiting for Angela to come back with some supplies. His eyes were darting around the sterile room, trying to occupy himself from the anxiety and dread he held in his heart.

Jesse was about to get a physical and Hell was he frightened. His body shook and sweat was beginning to form on his forehead. He chewed at his lips subconsciously. His arms were crossed over his chest as he waited, nails digging into already irritated skin.

He would have been okay with this, if it hadn't been for the thing he'd been hiding since his first days in Deadlock. If anybody found out about it there would be a lot of trouble, and right now he didn't want to be in anymore trouble than he was already in.

The cowboy looked over at the clock. Angela had only been gone for about a minute, but it felt like so much longer. God, he was regretting this. All of it. This was a bad idea.

With his chest aching and throat tight he decided that he really needed to get out of here and get some air at least. He pushed himself off of the bed, about to head for the door.

Then Angela came back in.

Jesse's eyes went wide and he began to panic like a deer caught in headlights. He stood stock still, mind racing. What would she do to him since she'd seen him try to leave? What was he going to do? Could he run past her? Overpower her? No, he couldn't do that. She was such a kind person, he would never be able to harm her. Could he-

"Oh, Jesse! Were you coming to find me?" The medic smiled a pleasant smile at him.

The cowboy then lost his nerves. He nodded slowly, his body beginning to feel as if it was made of lead. God, this was a terrible idea. He shouldn't have agreed to any of this.

"No worries! I just needed to get an extra syringe. Now if you please, sit down." She guided him back to the bed, Jesse sitting down heavily.

"I'm going to first have a look at your upper body, so please take off your shirt." Angela brought her table of instruments over to the bed, then waited for him to take off his shirt.

The cowboy couldn't move, wouldn't move. He could not show her his arm. He looked down at it, his breathing sharp and eyes still wide.

"Come now, Mccree. Don't be shy." She moved to help him take his shirt off.

That's when he lashed out.

As if he was being attacked, he instantly stood and punched her in the face, teeth gritted and brows furrowed in desperation.

The medic stumbled back, eyes wide, hand over her now bleeding nose. She stared at him.

Jesse then came back to himself and gasped. " Ah- Ah'm so sorry! Ah-"

"It.. It's fine... I'm sorry I didn't ask for your permission first..."

The cowboy sat back down on the bed, legs like noodles. He put his head in his hands, body shaking. "Please don't make me take mah shirt off....."

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