Part one

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Lou's point of view.
I was laying beside Logan in his bed. Now I know what your thinking but please get your mind out of the gutter we are just friends. I've known him since we where six we lived next to each other when we both lived in Canada.

But my parents got a business deal in England so we had to move. Which was a shame because I only could FaceTime Logan and or text him. But for my sixteenth my parents booked tickets to America where Logan was filming. I always knew he could make it as an actor. He's an amazing dancer and I'm just me.

Logan rolled over "mornin' Lou" he whispered. He opened his eyes and looked at the time. "Shit are you coming today" Logan asked. He was asking if I was coming to filming with him today. I hadn't meet any of the cast but I had seen them when Logan was on FaceTime to them when he was in his Hotel room.

I thought for a few seconds before nodding. "But you know how shy I am so don't be like. 'Hello look it's my good ol' mate Lou,' I know what your like" I laughed before getting out of the bed and walking over to my suitcase.

I didn't know how long I was staying in America with Logan for so I had majorly under packed. "I have some scenes today" Logan said standing behind me. "You do?" I asked pulling out some jeans and a hoodie. "Yes and it will be too hot for that" Logan said pushing me out of the way. "Oi" I laughed as he passed me some clothes. "Aren't then shorts a tad short?" I asked. Logan shook his head and pushed me towards the bathroom.

I changed and pulled my hair into a ponytail so it was out of my face

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I changed and pulled my hair into a ponytail so it was out of my face. I skipped makeup since we didn't really have time. I walked back out to see Logan sitting on the bed already ready. "See gorgeous now come on" Logan laughed holding out his hand in a brotherly way. I rolled my eyes playfully before taking his hand. We both walked downstairs and into the lobby to wait for the ride.

Soon we were in a Uber on our way. "Are you sure I'm allowed to come Logan?" I asked chewing on my bottom lip lightly. Logan chuckled "yes I asked Andy a few days ago and he said why haven't I brought you sooner" Logan laughed. I chuckled softly before shaking my head. "You can't fangirl when you see Finn" Logan said. "Pfft as if" I laughed resting my head on Logan's shoulder.

It was only five more minutes before we were at the filming place. "Lo I don't think I can  be here. I mean what if everyone hates me!" I said as Logan got out of the car pulling me out behind him. "Nobody's gonna hate you. Cmon Lou Owen just text me saying that him Jake and Nic were already in the Bowers Gang trailer" Logan said pulling me in the direction of the trailer. I look around as he's pulling me.

Logan opened a trailer door and pulled me inside. "Jesus Logan there's steps there" I said quietly before hearing people roar with laughter. I looked down at my feet not really wanting to be there. "This is Lou but you already know about her" Logan laughed sitting down. I sat down beside him. "Logan you said she was funny but you didn't say she was that funny" Owen said. "Yeah funny looking" I said making them laugh again. I knocked my sunglasses down and looked up.

Logan looked at me before stealing the glasses from my face. "Lo" I said trying to get my glasses back. Logan through my glasses at Jake who opened the door and ran out of the trailer. "This is your fault" I laughed facing Logan before everyone ran after Jake. "Logan we are gonna have to steal you for a few minutes so you can change" one of the wardrobe people said. "Look after Lou for me" Logan said following the person. "Cmon short stuff" Owen said as he retrieved my sunglasses and put them on. "I'm not that short" I said defensively as we all minus Logan walked back into the trailer.

"So Lou" Nicholas said. "Yes Nicholas" I said looking towards him. I turned my He's slightly in an attempt not to laugh. "Sorry I can't take you seriously with the mullet" I giggled.  "Ahhh" Nicholas laughed. Owen sat next to me on the little couch that was in the trailer. "It's Nic and where you from?" He asked. "Erm well I'm Canadian" I said before Jake cut me off to high five me "aye same" Jake laughed. I smiled softly "but I moved to England so I rarely get to see Logan" I said shrugging. We all talked for a little while more before Logan walked in. "There's someone who wants to meet you Lou" Logan said holding out his hand.

I stood up and walked over to Logan taking his hand in mine. "Who is it?" I asked quietly. "The losers oh boys it's lunch" Logan said. "Wait why do they want to meet me?" I said as the others followed me and Logan out. We all walked into where lunch was being served. "Is that her?" Jack asked. "Yes Jack this is Lou" Logan said. I smiled softly at the losers. "I wish I had put makeup on" I whispered only loud enough for Logan to hear.

"Why?" Logan asked raising his eyebrow. I shrugged before giggling. "Right you will be staying with the losers while the gang film Okay" Logan said. "Oh okay" I said before waving at them. Me and Logan walked over to the table that the gang was sitting at. I sat in between Logan and Jake and are my lunch. I felt someone staring.

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