Part five

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Lou's point of view
"When we all fall asleep where do we go" me and Logan sung softly as we sat in our room getting changed for the premier. "Lo can I please dye your hair back to blonde it suits you" I laughed softly as I finished doing my hair. "Hahahahaha no" Logan said running his fingers through his hair. "Cmon Here let me help" I giggled pushing my fingers through Logan's hair pushing the gel to the side so it was to the right side of his head. I smiled softly before kissing his cheek. "Love you Logan"

"Love you too Lou" Logan said smiling. We sang and talked until it was time to get dressed. I walked into the bathroom as I heard Owen Jake and Nic enter the shared bedroom. I slid off my pyjamas and swapped them for a yellow satin strapless dress. I looked in the mirror as I put my heels on. "Lou you can do this. You haven't flown all the way from Britain to stay in this bloody hotel room" I said in my head. I sighed deeply before walking out into the bedroom slowly looking at my feet hearing gasps.

Nic's point of view.
Me and Logan where taking random snapchats and posting them. The door slowly opened and in walked Lou. "Fuck she's hot" I thought. I pulled a confused face at the thought before quickly shaking it off and standing up. Lou was still looking down at the floor "shit Lou your hot" Owen laughed. Even under her makeup you could see that her cheeks were tinted a red colour. I kept staring at Lou until someone started to laugh. It was the losers standing by the door. it had been a while I was staring at Lou.

"I think Nic has the hots for Lou" Jaeden laughed. My face went a little red before I ran after the younger boy. "Cmere you weeaboo" I said as he ran into the elevator. The elevator shut as I was outside of it. "Fucker" I laughed hearing the others laugh from behind me. I turned around and rolled my eyes. "Lou's asked if she can borrow your denim jacket. Can she?" Logan asked holding his phone in his hand. I nodded and waited for everyone to walk downstairs so we could go to the location all together. Everyone all together.

As soon as we got there we started to get interviewed. Lou stayed by either mine or Logan's side. You could tell that she felt very very awkward being there but I knew she would listen up in a while. "I am joined here by Nicholas Hamilton who plays Henry Bowers in this terrifying movie. Everyone is dying to know is there anything going on between you and Louise Smith." One of the interviewers asked. I looked around for Lou before spotting her with Owen talking. "Lou" I called out her name before asking her to come over to me.

"Hi Nic Hi" Lou said greeting both me and the interviewer. "Hi I'm now also joined by Louise Smith. So there has been rumours about your twos relationship" the interviewer told Lou. Lou looked up at me with a confused. "I can assure you me and Nic are just very very good friends" Lou said smiling softly. "Yes just very good friends and I don't know what I would do with out her" I said smiling back at Lou. "So there's not going to be a surprise relationship update?" The interviewer laughed making Lou hide her face in my shoulder.

An hour or so later everyone was walking into the screening room ready to watch the movie, Lou sat next to me and Logan. "Henry Bowers better not be mean to my baby Vicky" Lou laughed softly as Owen sat down, and passed Lou a drink. "You Don't know so you?" Owen laughed softly before they both stood back up to take a picture together. They took a nice one before pulling a silly face for the second. When Lou and Owen were finished taking a picture, Lou slid over my lap to sit back down in her seat again.

"Hi Lou" Finn said making Lou smile at him happily "Oh Hi Finn" Lou chuckled softly watching Finn walk away. A small frown formed on Lou's lips looking down at her phone. 'Louise smith spotted wearing Nicholas Hamilton's denim jacket at the it premier. But have denied dating, could they be keeping it a secret or are they truly just friends, but if they were just friends they are very close and touchy to be just friends' a tmz article read making Lou sigh. "They are at it again" she giggled softly resting her head on my shoulder very lightly.

Screams disturbed the silence off the movie every now and then. 'Stay out of my town' my voice echoed, "that sounded so Australian" I whispered to Lou making her giggle again but almost silently that time. Logan seemed to be really into the movie watching on the edge off his seat where as Lou had her knees to her chest and the denim jacket draped over her knees. "Fuck this is actually so scary" she whispered to me smiling softly. Black traces off mascara had smudged under her eye. I chuckled softly before wiping her under eyes free of mascara.

It was getting towards the end off the movie where me Jake and Logan were in Henry's Bowers back yard being shouted at by Oscar butch. Hearing a small noise from Lou, I looked to my left slightly seeing Lou's hand drop. I raised my eyebrow not knowing if she had down it on purpose or not. I let my hand drop also before ghosting my fingers across hers. She pulled away quickly before letting her hand ghost mine. I smiled slowly intertwining our fingers together. I looked back at the movie smiling widely, squeezing lous hand lightly as reassurance.

 I looked back at the movie smiling widely, squeezing lous hand lightly as reassurance

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Lou's dress.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2019 ⏰

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