Part three

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Time skip till Lou has to go.
Lou's outfit

The gang came to the airport with me

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The gang came to the airport with me. Logan was quiet the whole way there but then again so was I. We always were when we had to leave each other. Nic parked in the short term stay before we all walked towards the airport doors. Logan and I had our hands intertwined I had my suitcase handle in my other hand. Logan wanted to carry my hand luggage so I allowed him. My suitcase was taken and put in the luggage place. We all walked to customs silently.

I turned to Logan and wrapped my arms around him. "Please don't go" he whispered hugging me back. "I gotta go Lo I've go to go to school." I whispered tears threatened to fall down my face. "Fuck school" Logan whispered hugging me tighter. My arms tightened around him too. "I love you Lou" he whispered. "I love you too Logan" I whispered. It was a few more minutes before we let go of each other. I walked over to Jake and hugged him then Owen. I really wasn't looking forward to Nic. We had grown really close over the last week.

We hugged. The hug lasted longer then it did with the other boys expect from Logan. "By Nicky" I whispered. "Bye love" he whispered. We let go of each other before I walked back over to Logan and hugged him again. "Imma miss you" I whispered before kissing his cheek. "I'm gonna miss you too" Logan whispered before letting go of me. I waved by to them before walking over to where the hand luggage gets checked. I looked back as my bag was going through the scanner. Nic had a sad look on his face Logan was worse off.

I waved bye one last time before walking into a Starbucks where I waited for my plane. I looked at my phone and looked at all the pictures from the six week holiday. Most of them were of Logan and I. Some were me and the losers but even more then the losers was me and the gang. More specifically Nic and I. I changed my home screen and lock screen to a picture of me Logan and Nic. I sat with my phone charging as I moved from Starbucks to McDonald's. Soon it was time to board the plane.

Nic's point of view.
We all watched Lou walk away before walking back to the car kind of ignoring the people taking pictures and asking questions. We made it back to the car incident free. I sat in the drivers seat and Logan was beside me. "She surely is a character" Owen said sadly. We may of only known her just over a week but she had changed us all in one way or another. I looked over at Logan who was looking out of the window. "I have to wait at least twelve to fifteen hours before I can get a text from her" Logan said.

I started the car and made my way back to the hotel everyone was staying in. The losers were already in Logan and Lou's hotel room waiting for our return. We knew we were gonna have to find a way to cheer Logan up. "She'll be back before you know it" Jake said putting his hand on Logan's shoulder. Logan shrugged of his hand. "I know it just hurts" Logan whispered. "When did she first move away?" Owen asked. "Ermmmm we were both ten so six almost Seven years ago" Logan said sadly.

We were soon back at the hotel. "Cmon Logan" Jake said putting his arm around Logan's shoulder. We all walked into Logan's room and he smiled seeing the losers. "Hey guys" he said sitting on the bed. Logan looked to the left to see Lou's perfume. "Fucking typical Lou" he laughed. I looked down at my phone to see a notification come through on my phone. Lou had tweeted. "Did you know hippo milk is pink. Missing my boys already. Love you Logan xx" I read. "Miss you too love xx" I wrote once I retweeted her original tweet smiling.

A few hours later Owen looked up at me with a look of horror on his face. "You need to take the tweet down" Owen said before showing me an article made up by TMZ. "Is it possible that actor Nicholas hamilton and social media influencer Louise Smith are dating. They have seemed to have got very close over the past week and have been seen together multiple times. And how does actor Logan Thompson feel about this considering he's supposedly Lou's best friend. Has he been kicked to the curb by Lou for the new kid on the block"

"What the fuck it was a simple tweet and Logan has always been there" I said to nobody in particular. "Don't worry I'm on it. Lou's not gonna find out till she lands though" Logan said taking to social media. "I can assure you that Lou and Nic are just close friends and I have not be kicked to the curb love you" Logan read out. "Why does everyone automatically jump to conclusions?" Jake said. I shrugged before rereading the article. "Oh look another one" I said sarcastically. "Lou and Nicholas got caught hugging" Jake read from the phone screen.

Andy walked in. "So I'm taking it you've seen them" Andy said pointing to the screen. "The dating rumours yes" I said. "Don't worry about them they happen all the time and we will try and do everything in our power to stop them from occurring again" Amy my manager said from behind Andy. I nodded and watched them walking back out. "Oh no she's seen them" Logan said sitting beside me. "What happened?" Owen asked. "She got stopped by paparazzi asking if you two were official and she got really confused bless her heart" Logan said before texting Lou.

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