Part two

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Lou's point of view
"Soooooo Lou got any talents?" Jake asked. I shook my head only for Logan to punch my arm. "What the heck Lo!" I said rubbing my arm. "Yes you do" he said. I shook my head again. "Yes you do. You sing" Logan said. "Not very well" I said looking at him. "Nic sings" Owen said getting his phone out. "No" Nic said knocking Owen's phone out of his hands. "Boys your needed" the gang was told. Logan presses a kiss to my forehead making me push him away in a friendly manor. "Go to the losers Lou" Logan said before waving goodbye.

I stood up and took my plate over to the losers. "Hi" I said as Finn moved up letting me sit beside him. "Sooo who do you think is cute out of the gang?" Jaeden asked making me chuckle. "I don't know them well enough well except Logan and he will always be a brother to me you know" I said. "Yes but what I think Jae means is like which one makes your eyes pop out" Sophia laughed. "I've only seen them like how they are so I have no flipping idea".

Me and the losers chatted and got to know each other. We all exchanged numbers when Logan came back to get me. "We are all going to grab a coffee" Logan said. He had changed back into his normal clothes. "Okay" I said following him back to the trailer. "Please please keep the blonde it suits you" I laughed heartily. "I am defiantly..... not going to keep the blonde" Logan laughed opening the door. "But we will be matching like we were when we were like six" I laughed walking in. "Fuck me sideways that's different" I though to myself.

Nicholas Owen and Jake were in their normal clothes and Nicholas was no longer supporting a mullet. "Coffee" Owen said pointing to the door. We all turned and walked out the door to Nicholas' car. I sat in the back between Logan and Jake again. "Lou You should sing with Nic to us" Logan laughed making em return the punch to earlier. "Shit that actually hurt" Logan laughed. I shook my head blushing slightly. "Awww Cmon" Jake laughed. I shook my head again "Logan lied I can't sing" I said. Logan chuckled softly as he looked down at his phone.

His body was turned so his back was pushed against the door. "Hehehe" Logan said as music started blaring on his phone. "No no no no Lo" I said as I realised what he was doing. Singing then came through. "When did you even record that" I asked quietly. "Oh I have my ways" Logan laughed. "Is that you singing?" Nic asked looking at me in the mirror. I sighed before nodding. "Lou you have a really good singing voice" Owen said smiling. I smiled softly and put my sunglasses back on. The compliments were showed by my red cheeks.

Soon we were at the coffee place. There was paparazzi for the boys but for some reason Nic and Logan hid me. When we were inside I asked "why did you hide me?". "Because people will start to suspect something!" Owen said before walking over to the counter "Nic do you want what you normally have" Jake asked. Nic nodded. Logan said he would get mine, so me and Nic was left at the table on our own. I looked at Nic before smiling softly. Nic returned the smile. I moved my sunglasses from my eyes still smiling at him.

It seemed like a while until the others came back. "Jesus what took you so long?" Nic laughed. "Was you not enjoying my girls company?" Logan laughed putting his arm around my shoulder. I looked at Logan with a raised eyebrow. "You need to get your eyebrows waxed" Logan said looking at my eyebrows. "Twat" I said putting my hands over my eyebrows. Nic leaned forwards and moved my hands aways from my face. "You look fine" he said. "Tell is your coming back tomorrow" Owen said blowing his coffee before drinking it. I shrugged not knowing if I was.

"I have to re pack because I'm leaving to go home soon I have to go back to school" I said sipping my iced latte. "Really" Jake asked. "Yeah but she's really smart and in top sets for everything" Logan said licking some of the whip cream of my iced latte. "Please Logan help yourself." I laughed. "So your a smartie" Nic said. "I mean I guess" I said sounding really narcissistic. "Wow that sounded cocky" I laughed before dipping my thumb in the whip cream and drawing a heart on Logan's forehead. "See gorgeous" I laughed before looking back towards the second tallest boy.

Logan leaned forwards and wiped the cream on my arm. "Logan I'm wearing black it shows" I whined quietly. He knew I had a pet peeve of having something dirty on. "So your allowed to you know what I give up" Logan laughed. I furrowed my eyebrows and pouted playfully. "I have a spare shirt in my car if you want to wear that" Nic said. I nodded "thanks" I said smiling at him again. My phone started to vibrate. I looked down to see I had been added to a group chat. "The losers plus Lou" I chuckled softly.

"The losers have added me to their group chat" I laughed showing Logan my phone. Logan laughed before getting his phone out I looked at him confused. "When are you leaving. Not that I want you to go it's just a question" Owen asked from beside me. "Erm I think I have a week and a half left" I said sighing. "It sucks" Logan said as his mood changed for the worst. "I'll be back I just don't know when" I lied smiling quite sadly . I knew I was going to be at the premiere.

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