Part four

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Lou's point of view.
As soon as I got WiFi my phone blew up with instagram notifications. I had texts from my manager too. "Lou have you seen TMZ yet?" She text. "No why" I text back. "Is it possible that actor Nicholas hamilton and social media influencer Louise Smith are dating. They have seemed to have got very close over the past week and have been seen together multiple times. And how does actor Logan Thompson feel about this considering he's supposedly Lou's best friend. Has he been kicked to the curb by Lou for the new kid on the block"

I read the article before sighing. I hang out with a boy and this is what happens. I chuckle softly before grabbing my laptop. Into google, I typed in Nicholas Hamilton and Louise Smith. Honestly just curious what would come up. Apparently a lot. There was article after article about us hanging out recently. Even one of us where we were caught hugging. I didn't realise that someone hugging another human was such a big deal if I'm being honest. I sighed before putting a picture of me and Nic on my Instagram story with a sweet caption. "He's my best friend guys calm down" I typed before posting it for my followers to see.

(Imma time skip about a year or until the premier of it came out!)

Here we go again I thought as the plane took off. I'm now seventeen and I've been told I've seemed to have grown up a lot in the past year. Which I suppose it good. Andy said he would be waiting for me at the airport in LA apparently nobody knew I was coming. Not Owen not Jake not the losers and especially not Nic or Logan. Thank god.

Soon I was collecting my luggage and was off to find Andy. I had my sunglasses on and a hoodie so nobody would recognise me. "Well I never is that Miss Smith" Andy said smiling. "Well I never is that Mr Muschietti" I laughed.
Andy chuckled before we hugged. "How's he been?" I said when we put my bags in the trunk. "He's been okay. He's missed you a ton" Andy said. I nodded as we got in the car. "So can your run over the plan again" I said as we pulled up outside the hotel where Logan was.

"Right so everyone is on Logan's room and I'm gonna walk in and be like sorry guys our special guest couldn't make it so I had too call back up to be the gangs plus one. You'll be standing behind me and I'll move out of the way to reveal you and all will be good" Andy said as we got my suit case out of the trunk. "You do realise Lo is gonna cry right" I said as we walked into the hotel and towards the elevator. I was so nervous to see the boys considering I had changed.

Andy knocked on the door before opening it. I was hidden behind him. "sorry guys our special guest couldn't make it so I had too call back up to be the gangs plus one" Andy said leaning against the door. "Who is it?" Logan asked. I saw Andy smile before he moved out of the way to reveal me. "Lou" Logan said running over to me. With brute force we both fell onto the floor hugging each other. "Where's my blondie gone" I laughed hugging him tightly. "I missed you so much" Logan said as tears steamed down his face.

I smiled "missed you too Lo" I said as we laid in each other's arms. "Wait Wait we want hugs" Owen and Jake said making Logan stand up and get of me. I stood up as they wrapped their arms around me. "Heyy boys" I laughed hugging them back. "So your our plus one" Jake laughed. "Yes I guess I" "guys fucking Sydney Lou" Nic said running over to us and wrapping his arms around me. I chuckled and hugged back. When the hug was broken we kind of stared into each other's eyes. I got lost in his eyes.

Nic's point of view.
I looked down into Lou's big blue eyes smiling softly. God I'd missed her. Logan cleared his throat. "Cmon we were going to go and get McDonald's I'm still down and Lou loves McDonald's" Logan said grabbing Lou's hand and pulling her away. "Nicky put my suitcase in" Lou laughed as she jumped on Logan's back. I chuckled before putting her suitcase in the room and following them with Jake and Owen. "Do you" Jake whispered to Owen. "I think so but shush" Owen whispered looking at me. I rolled my eyes playfully before walking out.

We all got in my car me and Lou in the front and the others in the back. "I loved you then and I love you now Oh yeah. Don't take me tongue tied.  Don't wave no goodbye. Don't. Take me to your best friend's house Normally we're making out Oh yeah" everyone sang as Lou went live on Instagram. "What is up" Lou laughed. "Oh my god please tell me your back with the boys ❤️❤️" a fan commented. Lou panned her phone showing all of us. "I shippp it #nou" a different fan commented. Lou went bright bright red.

I chuckled and pushed her head slightly. We pulled into the drive through. "Hi can we have four quarters pounders with fries and large cokes please" I said to the box thingy. "Yes anything else for you?" I turned to Lou. Lou leaned over me slightly. "Can I have the twenty chicken nugget piece and a large chocolate shake please" Lou said. "Yes is that all" the lady said as Lou leaned back. Logan leaned forwards and looked at me. "Get back blondie" I chuckled. "Nic's blushing because Lou leaned over him" Logan laughed holding his stomach smiling at me.

Quick little thing everyone go follow SmY12345sMy ❤️❤️

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