Recovered Lost Memory Silent Princess part-1

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Authors Note- Sorry for the delay in chapter releases. Real life issues have come up and editing has taken some time. But, do not worry, the story will be completed in its entirety. This is one part of three for this chapter. All three parts will be released this week. Also, this is a memory chapter and although it takes place one hundred years ago, I didn't keep the italics because it was hard on the eyes. Thank you and I hope you enjoy.


Recovered Lost Memory -The Silent Princess


Lost Diary Entry-

The sunlight seemed to pierce through the castle walls directly into my room, and I thought there would be no escape from its burning rays. That morning was more unbearable than most, not because of my responsibility as the Princess of Hyrule, but because of the miserably hot and humid weather. Even for summer, it was a day like I could never have imagined, a heatwave unlike any the land had experienced in ages. Those in the capital, so often blessed with sublime weather year-round, were particularly upset.

Perhaps it is an omen of sorts that the Goddesses' influence in these lands might have begun to wane. I can't be certain. All I know is that the air was thick and heavy, and the very act of breathing chokes me.

I thought, being so high up in the western tower, that I might be able to get a reprieve from the harsh beams by letting in a breeze. Yet even the breeze was cursed that morning, a hot summer wind that only served to exhaust me further and leave me lethargic, and the sun scorched the stone of the castle walls so thoroughly that the building had become as a baker's kiln. Or that's how it felt to me, at least. Try as I might, there was no comfort to be found.

I remember these details vividly at the time of writing this, having been fumbling about in an uncomfortable daze trying to find this confounded diary of mine. I frequently seem to misplace it, tending to lose it among the countless other books and papers I have lying about my room. One more example of my own tendency to 'hurry up and wait,' always ready to leave at a moment's notice for some excursion planned out by Father, or a survey to continue my research, something I dearly love.

My thoughts clouded, I scrambled to locate my journal but I couldn't find it. Eventually, having lost the will to continue in the face of the rising temperature, I decided to simply temporarily jot down my ideas on one of the many loose sheets of parchment strewn about my desk. Anything to get my mind of this intolerable heat, since the other researchers won't be at the castle, having gone out to conduct a field study. Father wants me to take a break today from my studies, too, because I will need to pay a visit to the Sanctuary to offer up more prayers to the Goddesses, or anyone who might listen.

But I must admit that all I can really think about, what I keep reminiscing on, is how Link and I spent the other day together. It's five days since I last saw him before returning to the confines of the castle. And yet, all I can seem to do is think our time spent together. I must be losing my mind.

If you'd asked me about him a month ago, I'd have said, "Link? Who? What about him?"

But he is nothing like the person I once judged him to be. I couldn't have been any more wrong about him.

Link is the appointed knight chosen by my Father, and charged with keeping me in his care at all times. He was selected because of the exceptional display of bravery he had shown when one of the magnificent Guardians we were researching went haywire, blasting devastating blue beams into the busy city crowds without warning.

Link, by a happy turn of chance, had been training outside the nearby castle walls. With neither hesitation, nor a thought for his own safety, had sprung into action and leapt into the path of the rampaging guardian. He distracted its deadly gaze from the crowds of innocent people, and made use of a pot lid of all things as a means to take it down. Being a trainee at the time, he didn't even have a proper shield. But that didn't deter his bravery. We're all still amazed by his feat, and aren't quite sure how he did it, but he was able to deflect the blast back at the malfunctioning mechanical menace, immobilizing it.

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